Flavia Zorzi Giustiniani

Assistant Professor of International Law at the Law Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UTIU)
National coordinator of a FIRB Research Project (financed by the Italian Research Ministry) on “International Disaster Response Law: Rules and Principles of International and EU law Concerning the Prevention and Management of Natural and Man-made disasters”;
Model UN instructor, Consules, Rome.
November-December, held lessons on diplomatic protection and the repression of international crimes within the International Law course, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University.
October-December, held seminar on “Libya and international law”, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University.
October-December, held seminar on “Seminal case decisions of the International Court of Justice”, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University;
November-present, member of the IHL Scientific Committee of the Italian Red Cross Society;
June, winner of the competition for a permanent post of Assistant Professor of International Law, Law Faculty, International Telematic University Uninettuno;
May, winner of the competition for a fixed post of Assistant Professor of International Law, Law Faculty, International Telematic University Uninettuno;
May-present, teaching assistance to the European Union Law course, Law Faculty, International Telematic University Uninettuno;
May, member of the Scientific Committee of the IXth National Conference of Italian Red Cross Instructors “La risposta umanitaria in situazioni di catastrofi naturali. Gestione e superamento dell’emergenza” (“Humanitarian response in natural disasters. Crisis management”).
Grant of scientific and didactic cooperation on the topic “Subsidiary protection in situations of indiscriminate violence”, International Law Chair, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University;
Grant of scientific and didactic cooperation on the topic “Fundamental rights in the practice of international organizations”, International Law Chair, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University;
Grant of scientific and didactic cooperation on the topic “The EU asylum policy”, European Union Law Chair, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University;
Adjunct Professor of “International protection of refugees and migrants”, Master in “Migrations: policies and resources for social cohesion”, organized by Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta (LUMSA) in partnership with Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI);
One-year grant for teaching assistance to the International Law course, Law Faculty, International Telematic University Uninettuno.
Grant of scientific and didactic cooperation on the topic “The responsibility to protect: the United Nations and some recent practice”, International Law Chair, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University;
One-year grant for teaching assistance to the International Law course, Law Faculty, International Telematic University Uninettuno.
Teaching assistant, International Law Chair, Law Faculty, LUISS Guido Carli University.
One-year grant by the European Law Department for a research project financed by the Italian Ministry for Agriculture on the topic “Bio-sustainable fishing: legal, biological and economic aspects”.
Teaching assistant, International humanitarian law course (course held in English), Law Faculty, Roma Tre University.
Teaching activity at the Master “Education to peace: International cooperation, human rights and EU policies”, Roma Tre University.
Exam committee member, Law of International organizations Chair, Literature and Philosophy Faculty, Roma Tre University.
Teaching assistant, International Law/Private International Law/European Union Law Chairs, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University.
February, Degree in Law, University of Florence (with a thesis on “Non-refoulement obligations and the European Convention on Human Rights”; thesis coordinator: Prof. Luigi Condorelli).
PhD in International, supranational and European institutions, University of Teramo (with a thesis on “The United Nations and humanitarian assistance”; thesis coordinator: Prof. Antonio Marchesi).
Diploma in International Humanitarian Law released by the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Degree in Political Science and International Relations, summa cum laude, University of Florence (with a thesis on “Countermeasures in the ILC Project on International State Responsibility”; thesis coordinator: Prof. Paolo Benvenuti).
August-December, Students grants program at Georgetown University, Washington D.C.;
January-June, Erasmus program at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles.
Secondary School Diploma in Classics, Liceo Classico Michelangelo, Firenze.
16 August-3 September, participant to the 2010 Session of the Centre for Studies and Research of the Hague Academy of International Law on “International Migrations”.
October-November, guest researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg.
October-March, participant to the Marie Curie Research Course on International Criminal Law, The Hague.
February-March 2005, research for the PhD thesis at Université de Genève, Faculté de Droit, Genève.
July-August 2005, Summer session on Public International Law, Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague.
September 2003, Cours de Droit International Humanitaire organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, Sion.
July-September 1999, Internship at the Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
Italian: Mother tongue.
English: Advanced.
French: Advanced (DALF C1 obtained in November 2012)
German: Pre-intermediate.
14 June, “Protection of traditional knowledge from biopiracy: what after the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol?”, Italian Society of International Law’s XVIII Annual Meeting “International law and plurality of cultures”, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Naples.
22 September, “Legal protection of internally displaced persons”, Seminar on “The XXXI Red Cross and Red Crescent International Conference: the actual challenges of international humanitarian law”, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
4 March, “EU Asilum policy: the amendement proposals”, Seminar on “European citizenship, immigration, asylum and frontiers”, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University.
4 May, “The protection of civilians in Libya: limits and ambiguities of the UN mandate”, Round Table “The North African crisis between international crimes and humanitarian emergency”, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University.
10 May, “Displaced, migrants and human rights”, Conference “The Mediterranean regions. An emblematic case: the Western Sahara”, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD), Palazzo Salviati, Roma.
11 July, “Refugee status, asylum-seekers and subsidiary protection”, I Formation Seminar on “International humanitarian law” organized by the Roma Tre Law Faculty and the Cantiere Europa Association.
24 September, “The humanitarian response in emergency situations” (three-hours workshop), National Conference of the Italian Red Cross IHL instructors “International humanitarian law. Selected themes”, Montesilvano (Pescara).
3 November, “Refugee status, asylum-seekers and subsidiary protection”, II Formation Seminar on “International humanitarian law” organized by the Roma Tre Law Faculty and the Cantiere Europa Association.
8 November, “The work of the ILC on the protection of persons in the event of disasters”, International Conference “International law and disasters: prevention, preparedness, response”, Italian Civil Protection Department, Rome.
16 November, “Protected categories in the European asylum system”, Conference “Youth and reforms 2011 - III edition Justice Immigration” organized by the National Youth Forum, Law Faculty, Roma Tre University.
23 November, “Right to food from the perspectives of Public International law and WTO law”, Conference “China's Influence on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law”, Rectorate, University of Turin.
30 November, “The free movement of EU citizens: the Rom case”, Conference “Europe one year after Lisbon”, Esedra del Marco Aurelio – Campidoglio, Roma.
24 September, “New Developments in the Protection of IDPs: the African draft convention”, International Conference “Protecting People in Conflict and Crisis. Responding to the Challenges of a Changing World”, Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford.
4 October, “The responsibility to protect. Requirements and practical utility of a frequently invoked paradigm for the protection of the civilian population from the effects of conflicts and other man-made disasters”, VI Annual Conference of young international lawyers, University of Macerata.
16 September, “The international regime of IDPs: protection and assistance”, VI Italian Red Cross National IHL instructors Conference “Migratory fluxes and the enjoyment of fundamental rights”, Campobasso.
“Responsabilità di governo dell’occupante e diritto all’assistenza umanitaria: il caso iracheno” (Responsibilities of the occupying powers and right to humanitarian assistance: the Iraqi case), in Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, 2004/4.
“Disagi nel trasporto aereo e forme minime di tutela: la Corte conferma la validità del regolamento 261/2004” (Discomforts in air transport and minimum protection standards: the Court confirms the validity of regulation 261/2004), in Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, 2006/2.
“Rassegna delle attività della VI Commissione dell’Assemblea Generale (60ª sessione)” (Review of the activities of the GA’s Sixth Committee (60th session)), in La Comunità Internazionale, 2007/1.
“Croce Rossa”, in M. Flores D’Arcais (ed.), Diritti umani – Dizionario alfabetico, UTET, 2007 (Red Cross, in Human rights. Alphabetical dictionary).
“Diritto all’alimentazione”, in M. Flores D’Arcais (ed.), Diritti umani – Dizionario alfabetico, UTET, 2007 (Right to food, in Human rights. Alphabetical dictionary).
“Rassegna delle attività della VI Commissione dell’Assemblea Generale (61ª sessione)” (Review of the activities of the GA’s Sixth Committee (61st session)), in La Comunità Internazionale, 2008/1.
Le Nazioni Unite e l’assistenza umanitaria (The United Nations and humanitarian assistance), Editoriale Scientifica, 2008.
“La tutela internazionale degli sfollati: protezione e assistenza” (International protection and assistance to internally displaced persons), in P. Benvenuti (ed.), Flussi migratori e fruizione dei diritti fondamentali, Il Sirente, 2008.
“Stretching the boundaries of commission liability. The ICTR Appeal Judgement in Seromba”, in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2008/4.
“La tutela dei diritti dei residenti extracomunitari nell’Unione Europea. A proposito di ricongiungimento familiare e di espulsione” (The rights of third-country nationals who are long-term residents in the European Union. About family reunification and expulsion), in G.M. Salerno (ed.), I diritti dell’Altro. Un’analisi comparata dei processi di integrazione dei processi di integrazione nell’area euro-mediterranea, UEM, 2008.
“La ‘responsabilità di proteggere’. Riflessioni a margine del caso birmano” (The “responsibility to protect”. Reflections on the Burma case), in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2009/1.
“Rassegna delle attività della Commissione del diritto internazionale (60ª sessione)” (Review of the activities of the International Law Commission (60th session)), in La Comunità Internazionale, 2009/2.
“Protezione sussidiaria ed esigenze di protezione in situazioni di violenza indiscriminata. La Corte di Giustizia si pronuncia sulla c.d. direttiva qualifiche” (Subsidiary protection in situations of indiscriminate violence. The ECJ pronounces on the so-called Qualification Directive), in Studi sull’integrazione europea, 2009/3 .
“La direttiva rimpatri e la politica comunitaria in materia d’immigrazione” (The Returns Directive and European immigration policy), in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2009/3.
“The responsibility of accomplices in the case-law of the ad hoc Tribunals”, in Criminal Law Forum, 2009/4.
“The fundamental rights of irregular migrants in the context of expulsion. Critical notes in the margin of the ILC works on ‘Expulsion of aliens’”, Hague Academy of International Law, Collected Courses Series, International Migrations, (submitted).
“New hopes and challenges for the protection of IDPs in Africa: the Kampala Convention for the protection and assistance of internally displaced persons in Africa”, in Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 2011/2.
“Verso una politica comune europea di asilo. Il processo di revisione normativa” (Towards a common European asylum policy. The amendment process”, in Gli Stranieri, n.1/2011 and Immigrazione.it, n. 143 – 1 maggio 2011.
“Rassegna delle attività della Commissione del diritto internazionale (61ª sessione)” (Review of the activities of the International Law Commission (61st session), in La Comunità Internazionale, 2011/2.
“Il diritto di asilo approda alla Corte penale internazionale” (The right to asylum arrives at the International Criminal Court), in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2011/3.
“The International Law Commission's work on ‘Protection of persons in the event of disasters’. A critical appraisal”, in A. De Guttry/M. Gestri/G. Venturini (eds.), International Disaster Response Law, Asser TMC/Springer Verlag, 2012.
“La direttiva 2011/95: verso una disciplina veramente uniforme di protezione internazionale?” (Directive 2011/95: towards a really uniform discipline of international protection?), in Gli Stranieri, 2012/2.
“The right to food in international law and WTO law. An appraisal”, in P. Farah (ed.), China's influence on non-trade concerns in international economic law, Ashgate Publishing – UK (forthcoming 2013).
“Giurisdizione penale universale e immunità degli organi statali: la decisione del Tribunale federale svizzero nel caso Nezzar” (Universal criminal jurisdiction and State organs’ immunities: the Swiss Federal Tribunal’s ruling in the Nezzar case”), in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2013/1.
“Protezione delle conoscenze tradizionali e biopirateria: quali prospettive dopo l’adozione del Protocollo di Nagoya?” (Protection of traditional knowledge from biopiracy: what after the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol?), in Diritto internazionale e pluralità delle culture. Atti del XVIII Convegno SIDI (International law and plurality of cultures. Proceedings of the XVIII SIDI Conference (forthcoming).