Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Management Engineering

The design of the Second-Level Degree Course (Laurea Magistrale) in Management Engineering (LM-31) is aimed at training professional profiles able of making strategic and technical-operational decisions (more specifically, he must be able to design and manage of business models and organizational structures, design the development of new products/services, implement financial policies capable of fostering progress etc.) in order to have an impact on the competitiveness level of businesses and organizations operating in rapidly innovating contexts as well as by high technological and market complexity. The design of the study course was developed with the general aim of training a graduate having technological as well as economic-managerial skills, based on the current three-year degree course in management engineering that is structured on two curricular paths: the economic path and the one that is more markedly oriented to production processes. Therefore, the designed study path is based on a fair balance of modules linked to the thematic areas of industrial production and of its multiple branches. This allows providing the specialist graduate specializing in Engineering with a background of general but at the same time highly specialized knowledge both in the economic-managerial field and in the area of production systems, with particular attention to the management and control of highly innovative processes. In this way, it is built a training project based on the different needs expressed by the market and related to technological progress, innovation and globalization of economy.

The degree course is structured in three paths:

  • Management of industrial processes;
  • Energy systems;
  • Industry 4.0

Employment opportunities

The graduate in Management Engineering is a profile meant to work mainly in private and public industrial companies, service or consulting businesses and to free-lance activities. He has an exceptionally widely cross-field training assuring him the ability to assess the whole range of typical companies problems and, therefore, makes him especially fit to attain managing or entrepreneurial positions. During his professional activity, he will be able to deal with the advanced and integrated design of production systems, management of plants and resources optimization, organization and management of production, logistics, materials supply and management, business organization, auditing, assessment of investments, management of company problems as it regards environmental and security matters. More specifically, in the company he (as entrepreneur, manager or consultant) will be able to play the role of innovator in terms of technologies, organizational patterns, of business models and strategies having the specific aim of assuring the long-term development and growth of the company itself.

The course allows obtaining a qualification for the following regulated professions:

  • Information engineer
  • Industrial engineer

The course prepares for the profession of (ISTAT codes):

  • Industrial and management engineers - (