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Specific objectives of the course
Specific educational objectives
The course aims at training professional profiles with a good basic knowledge, an adequate working language knowledge and a wide range of humanistic, technical and scientific competencies respectively, according to the chosen path, in the following fields: historical-artistic cultural assets, archive, book and musical, using the main computer-based tools.
Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)
A good knowledge of the history of figurative arts, of the different historical-literary disciplines, proficiency in the oral and written use of the Italian language, a fairly good knowledge of the Latin language and of the technical-scientific disciplines linked to the implemented disciplines are required.
There will be no assessment test of the skills required for the admission.
Employment sectors for the graduates
The course is aimed at training a cultural assets operator able to perform intermediate-level professional functions at public and private institutions and agencies, such as cultural assets offices, state, provincial and municipal museums, local boards, foundations, research centres and institutes, in charge of the protection, conservation and management of historical-artistic cultural assets, archive, book and musical assets, without excluding other areas, such as journalism, publishing and other forms of communications, social and educational services, tourist organisations and companies and professional organisations operating in the area of the protection of cultural assets and preservation of the environment.