Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


January     February     March     April     June     July     September


The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was included among the ten best European online Universities and is the only Italian University in the ranking compiled by, the most influential European portal of distance higher education, point of [...]


Some of the signatures of today’s Italian journalism become the protagonists of the video lessons realized by the Uninettuno


On the 12th and 13th March 2020, twenty-two candidates of the Psychology Faculty of the UNINETTUNO University had the possibility of discussing their graduation theses online through Interactive Classrooms, implemented for this purpose by the U [...]


On the 24/02/2020, the Ministerial Decree of the 23rd December 2019, n° 1171, laying down elucidations on the three-year programming concerning the establishment of study courses, was officially withdrawn by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MI [...]


The initiatives aimed at a more-in-depth study and debate on academic and general culture issues, organized the Communication Sciences Faculty of UNINETTUNO keep going on: on Tuesday, February the 11th, the Study Seminar on "The Holy See between the War and Postwar Period. The Renewal of Commun [...]


In order to celebrate the Holocaust Memorial Day, 20 years after its establishment and recall the Shoah, UNINETTUNO presents a 24-hour television marathon, aired on the 27th January 2020 starting from 8:00 am on (Channels 812 of Sky and 701 o [...]


In the framework of the project “Soccer – Education – Culture” kicked off jointly with S.S.Lazio “Youth Sector and Female Team”, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, hosts today a top-notch representative of the Sports Medicine: Prof [...]


On the 21st t November, on the occasion of 2019 World Television Day, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents the television program entitled: “Era la Rai. Alle Origini del Servizio Pubblico (It was RAI. At the Origins of the Public Service)”, designed and supervised b [...]


Following the success of the European project FIEST - Formation Internationale á l’Ecriture de Series Tv, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO together with the COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Audiovisual of the Mediterranean) presents to the public the prognosis of the [...]

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