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Digital Talk "Emergency and its Conflicts", second event of the cycle during the Covid-19 Emergency


On Tuesday, May the 5th , at 5 pm, the second Digital Talk, comprised in the cycle organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled “Emergency and its Conflicts” will be held online. Being introduced by Prof. Fabio G. Angelini, contract professor of administrative law of the UNINETTUNO University, in this occasion there will be contributions by Prof. Luca Raffaello Perfetti, full professor of administrative law at the University of Bari and an associate of BonelliErede Studio Legale and the Lawyer Luca Bolognini, president of Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei Dati and founding member of ICT Legal Consulting. 

The meeting is aimed at reflecting on the conflicts between rights and values, among the powers of the State, between center and periphery, internal and transnational juridical systems.

The Digital Talk, as always, will be streamed live on Facebook and on UNINETTUNO website