Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

International agreements

Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO represents Italy in the most important associations of the university and technological sectors. The network, that was built until now, allows the UNINETTUNO, its students and teachers to become part of a global network performed in the following areas: scientific research, development and implementation of activities and services for students, participation in the most important international events in the field of e-learning, participation in decision-making processes and implementation of new policy in the most important European and international political institutions.

Agreements with universities, institutions and organizations in other countries

  • UC Berkeley Summer School

UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the UC Berkeley Summer School to allow its students to attend a Summer School in California as part of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, lasting approximately two months.

  • School of Sustainability Foundation - SOS

The agreement signed between UNINETTUNO and SOS provides for the design, realisation, communication, promotion and delivery of a new Master di Primo Livello in “Sustainable Architecture and Design” with the Faculty of Engineering.

  • De Paul University

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the American University of Chicago to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • Universidad La Salle Pachuca

Memorandum signed in the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project to enable its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also envisages the realisation of blended courses and short-term courses, as well as the exchange of lecturers.

  • An-Najah National University

Agreement signed by UNINETTUNO for the establishment of a joint study program between the two universities, for the exchange of lecturers and the creation of a Technological Pole in Nablus.

  • Bar-Ilan University

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the Tel Aviv University to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • Boston University – Metropolitan College

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the American University in Boston to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • AFC Consulting DMCC

Agreement signed by UNINETTUNO for the establishment of a Technological Pole in Dubai, for the recruitment of students and the organisation of seminars and workshops on site.

  • Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy – CETT

Agreement for the creation of a Technological Pole in Barcelona, for the use of the CETT campus to develop study programs in blended mode, as well as the creation of Dual/Double/Joint Degrees.

  • GLX Sonic Foundry

Agreement signed by UNINETTUNO for the creation of Technological Poles worldwide through the GLX Hub network, and for the recruitment of students.

  • Saraya Hamra University

Agreement signed by UNINETTUNO for the creation of a Technological Pole in Libya.

  • University of Sunshine Coast

In the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the Australian University to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities supported and passed recognised.

  • College of the Canyons

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the Los Angeles college to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • Griffith College

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the Irish University in Dublin to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • Monroe College

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the New York college to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • University of North Alabama

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the American University to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • University of St. Mark & John

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the English University in Plymouth to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • University of Sunderland

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the English University in Sunderland to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • University of Westminster

Within the framework of the UNINETTUNO Plus project, UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the English University based in London to allow its students to attend a semester in presence on the campus of the partner university and to have the didactic activities sustained and passed recognised. The agreement also provides for the mobility of lecturers, as well as the possibility of internships and placements on site.

  • Al- Ahliyya Amman University

Agreement signed for the implementation of joint distance learning programs between the two universities, participation in international seminars and the development of joint research activities.

  • Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI)

In May 2018, UNINETTUNO entered into a strategic partnership with the Berlin School of Business and Innovation, through which UNINETTUNO academic programs (both undergraduate and postgraduate) are also followed on the BSBI campus in Berlin, in addition to benefiting from UNINETTUNO platform.
BSBI's career service is also dedicated to providing the necessary support to students to achieve their career goals. The agreement concerns a series of Master di Primo Livello:

  • Global MBA
  • Master in Finance and Investments
  • Master in Strategic Marketing
  • Master in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
  • Master in International Health Management

The agreement also includes collaboration on the bachelor degree program in Economics and Business Management - Business Management.
The renewal of the agreement with BSBI saw the extension of the training offerings also to the Faculty of Engineering with the following Master di Primo Livello:

  • Master in Logistics
  • Master in Engineering Management
  • Master in Energy Management

And the Faculty of Psychology with its two degree courses:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Psychosocial Disciplines
  • Master's Degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Cognitive Processes and Technologies
  • London School of Business and Finance - LSBF

UNINETTUNO started an international academic partnership with the London School of Business and Finance - LSBF for the full online delivery of several English-language Master di Primo Livello in the fields of economics and finance, marketing and management.
The educational offer in collaboration with LSBF includes the following programs:

  • Global MBA
  • Master in Finance and Investments
  • Master in Strategic Marketing
  • Master in Public Health

These Master di Primo Livello mainly refer to the Faculty of Economics and Law and are intended for students from all over the world; UNINETTUNO actively participated in the creation of the content, training English lecturers and tutors, producing certain online modules and making its e-learning platform and psycho-pedagogical model available to students and tutors.

  • NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

The cooperation with NABA envisages the design, realisation, promotion and delivery of a first-level university Master di Primo Livello in Business Law for the Fashion System, addressed to a national and international audience. UNINETTUNO is in charge of all the activities related to the planning of the didactics, the definition of a calendar of activities and the assessment of potential students, whereas NABA is in charge of the promotion of the program and of the realisation of specific didactic modules, in addition to the identification of companies for the internships.

  • Yaounde Higher School of Economics and Management - YSEM

The agreement with YSEM provides for the creation of a technology hub in Cameroon and the promotion of certain UNINETTUNO programs in the area:

  • Bachelor in Economics and Business Management
  • Master in European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies and Global Perspectives  
  • Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Business Management and Digital Technologies
  • MBA Global (blended Rome Edition)
  • Wolaita Sodo University

The agreement signed with Wolaita Sodo University envisages the creation of a Technological Pole in Ethiopia, the development of possible professional courses in line with Ethiopian market demands, and the possibility for Wolaita Sodo University students to enrol in UNINETTUNO courses.

  • IST College

An agreement was signed with the Athens IST College for the creation of a Technological Pole in Athens and for the realisation of a possible Year Abroad in partnership with BSBI for students enrolling in the Bachelor in Economics at UNINETTUNO through the Berlin School of Business and Innovation.

  • UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia

UNINETTUNO and UNED signed an agreement for the realisation of the first "Virtual Mobility" programme autonomously and directly managed by two distance learning universities.
According to the agreement, regularly enrolled students of both universities will be able to supplement their study path by choosing from a selected list of courses delivered in e-learning mode on the UNED and UNINETTUNO platforms. The courses available come from the Faculties of Sociology and Political Science and Administration of UNED, and from the Faculties of Economics and Law and Communication Sciences of UNINETTUNO.

  • RUBIKA / Alpha Omega Infosolution

The partnership with RUBIKA / Alpha Omega Infosolution envisages the establishment of a Technological Campus in India for the enrolment of local students in the Bachelor's degree course in Economics and Business Management, and in Computer Engineering, in the Master's degree course of the Faculty of Economics and Law, in the MBA Global of UNINETTUNO and in the DBA of the Faculty of Economics and Law of UNINETTUNO. In addition, specific lectures on topics agreed with the Faculty of Economics and Law will be organised on campus.

  • 5ive Global

The agreement provides for the creation of a “corso di alta formazione professionale” Doctorate of Business Administration - DBA.

  • Aegean University

UNINETTUNO signed an agreement to develop internship opportunities in Greece for its students within the Faculty of Cultural Heritage, as well as the development of joint research projects.

  • Co-Progress Education Group - CPMC

Agreement with the Chinese institute provides for the creation of academic programs for the training of Chinese students in blended and full online mode.

  • Hamdan Bin Mohamed Smart university – HBMSU

UNINETTUNO signed an agreement with the most important university in the United Arab Emirates for the realisation of Double Degree and the creation of a Technological Pole in Dubai, as well as student and faculty exchanges.

  • Institute for International Maritime Studies

The partnership signed between UNINETTUNO and the Institute for International Maritime Studies envisages the realisation of joint program in the area of “Maritime and Shipping”, the recruitment of international students and the creation of a Technological Pole in Greece.

  • International Delphic Academy

UNINETTUNO signed an agreement for the creation of a Master di Primo Livello in the area of “Applied Archaeological Sciences” in two languages, English and Greek.

  • Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Agreement on the creation of a video production centre and a technology hub in Amman, as well as the exchange of academic content and the development of projects for the democratisation of knowledge for refugees and asylum seekers.

  • Saint Joseph University of Beirut - USJ

Agreement for the establishment of joint academic programs, international student recruitment and student exchange.

  • Universitè Catholique de Lille

Agreement signed with the Catholic University of Lille for the future realisation of a Double Degree program in the area of International Management and Digital Technologies.

  • John Cabot University

The agreement provides for the launch of an academic partnership between the two universities, in particular for the creation of a joint Diploma with the Faculty of Psychology. The partnership is also aimed at the realisation of research and faculty exchange programs between the two universities.

  • London College of Contemporary Arts - LCCA

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has started an international academic partnership with the "London College of Contemporary Arts" (LCCA) that envisages the delivery in full online and blended mode of several new Master di Primo Livello in English language oriented towards high fashion, luxury management, fashion retail, event management and communication, allowing to merge the international experience of the LCCA's offer with a specific focus on "Made in Italy".
The following programmes were offered in cooperation with LCCA:

  • Master in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
  • Master in Fashion Retail and Luxury Management
  • Master in Media and Communications – Global Media
  • Master in Media and Communications – Communications, Culture and Society
  • Master in Interior Design
  • St. Patrick’s College

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has started an international academic partnership with St. Patrick's College, London, which envisages the delivery in full online and blended mode of several new Master di Primo Livello in English.

  • ASD (Aerospace & Defence Industries Association of Europe)

The agreement was signed at the headquarters of ASD (Aerospace & Defence Industries Association of Europe), thanks to which UNINETTUNO has become the only accredited body for the organisation, delivery and issuance, worldwide, of the certification for the ASD Simplified Technical English (STE 100) specification.

  • Non-Governmental Organisation Minerva (Georgia)

The agreement is for the establishment of a UNINETTUNO Technological Pole in Tbilisi. The Technological Pole will be devoted in particular to Georgian students interested in UNINETTUNO's educational offer in the English language and in UNINETTUNO's distance learning Italian language courses level A1 and A2. The Pole will host the examination sessions and the discussion of the dissertations of the Georgian students enrolled at UNINETTUNO.

  • Open University of Hong Kong

The agreement is for the training of experts in Chinese Business Law and European policies. The agreement between the two distance learning telematic universities is the first step of a partnership path that led to the inclusion of the Master in Chinese Business Law, produced and realised by OUHK, in the UNINETTUNO training offer, and of the Master di Primo Livello in European Law and Policies, produced and realised by UNINETTUNO, in the OUHK training offer.

  • Global Science University (Somalia)

Agreement that foresees the establishment of 3 UNINETTUNO Technological Poles in Somalia, the design of common curricula, the distribution of UNINETTUNO undergraduate and postgraduate training courses to Somali students, in particular the Master di Primo Livello in Health Management.

  • Atheneum – Liberal Studies di Atene

Agreement to jointly deliver the “Master in Health Management”, designed to provide the necessary knowledge and experience for senior and middle managers in the health sector. The program is aimed at health professionals, program managers and senior and middle managers who work in or lead the management of health facilities in public and national health systems.

  • Shandong Institute of Business and Technology

Agreement to establish an academic partnership for the realisation of joint curricula, research and exchange programs for teachers and students and the organisation of Master di Primo Livello.

  • CHELYABINSK State University

Agreement provides for cooperation in the field of training, culture, exchange of lecturers and the organisation of events and seminars and the launching of projects aimed at the provision and realisation of distance learning double degree courses and the establishment of a UNINETTUNO Technological Pole.

  • Yantai University

Agreement to establish an academic partnership for the realisation of joint curricula, research programs and student exchanges between the two universities.

  • Jiaying University - Meizhou, Guangdong

Partnership agreement on seminars and exchanges of professors, students and staff.

  • Madrid Open University

Agreement providing for the Partnership on research activities, exchange between researchers, professors and students, collaboration on courses and seminars in the field of education, culture, interchange of professors and students, and the organisation of Master di Primo Livello.

  • James Lind Institute

The signed agreement envisages an international partnership for the Master in Health Management and a series of Advanced PG Diplomas, as well as the development of joint academic tracks. The James Lind Institute in Singapore was established in 2008 with the main objective of providing training programs in clinical research to students from over 40 countries.

  • University “PERSPECTIVA-INT”

The agreement envisages the joint implementation of university courses, masters and high-level specialisation and vocational retraining courses at a distance, for the awarding of double degrees. It also envisages the establishment of a UNINETTUNO Technological Pole.

  • International University Travnik

The signed agreement provides for the creation of a UNINETTUNO Technological Pole in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the joint realisation of university courses, and the exchange of lecturers.

  • Pontificia Università Antonianum

The cooperation agreement signed with the Pontifical Antonianum University envisages a shared academic pathway based on a "mixed" pedagogical model, which envisages a part of distance learning - on the UNINETTUNO web platform - and another part in presence, in the university lecture halls of the Antonianum University. The pathway will allow the student to easily obtain the recognition of the exams taken in both Universities, with a view to obtaining two degrees. The agreement signed also establishes cooperation in the respective academic and cultural programmes and in the area of science and research, the organisation of conferences and refresher courses and the exchange of information and teaching materials.

  • Institute of Finance and Economics

The agreement provides for the creation of a Technological Pole in Ulan Bator to serve Asian students and the region. Other points of the agreement include the development of new content, the creation of joint curricula and international research projects. The Institute of Finance and Economics is one of Mongolia's leading economics and finance schools.

  • ISCTEM - Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique

The agreement provides for the creation of a Technological Pole in Maputo to serve students. The other points of the agreement provide for the creation of common objectives for the opening of Bachelor's and/or Master's degree courses in collaboration, the exchange of teachers, students and internship/internship programs at various levels.

  • Azerbaijan Technical University - AzTU

The signed agreement envisages the creation of a UNINETTUNO Technological Pole in Baku, academic exchange through the Erasmus+ Program to strengthen the partnership, the training of lecturers and academic staff on e-learning approaches, distance learning methodology and content production, and fruitful cooperation in specific areas for the development of joint curricula.


  • Memorandum of Understanding between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Sinai University (Egypt) that agree to collaborate in the delivery and implementation of Distance Courses with the Double Degree issue and the establishment of a UNINETTUNO’s Technological Pole.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the EL-GHAD for Education Projects (Egypt) that agree to collaborate in the delivery and implementation of Distance Courses with the Double Degree issue and the establishment of a UNINETTUNO’s Technological Pole.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the MISR – University for Science & Technology (Egypt) that agree to collaborate in the delivery and implementation of Distance Courses with the Double Degree issue and the establishment of a UNINETTUNO’s Technological Pole.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and The Badrawi Foundation for Education and Development that agree to collaborate for the production, organisation and distribution of the Arabic language courses via  TV and Internet and the establishment of Technological Poles in Egypt.
  • In the presence of the Italian Republic President Giorgio Napolitano and the Egyptian Minister of Education and Research Hany Helal, Memorandum of Understanding between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Egyptian E-Learning University (EELU), that agree:
    1. To coollaborate in the implementation of Joint Degree Courses at a Distance, Master at a Distance, Continuing Education Courses, Vocational and Professional Training courses
    2. To identify the subjects and topics of distance learning courses and the activities to be carried out in the filed of future Italo-Egyptian Programs of Human Resource Development.
  • Cooperation agreement between The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Egyptian E-Learning University (EELU), signed in Cairo in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, which envisages the joint development of university courses, master's courses and professional training courses at a distance for the issue of the study degree delivered in conjunction with the Double Degree.
  • Agreement between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and  the Helwan University. This agreement specified the terms of cooperation between two institutions, and allowed the creation of the first UNINETTUNO’s Technological Pole in Egypt. This agreement envisages the creation of curriculum, study programs, common degree courses and masters, and the issue of joint academic degrees recognised both in Egypt and in Italy and in Europe.
  • The agreement between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Salesian Institute “Don Bosco” for the activation of a Technological Pole, which envisages to facilitate and support the initiatives aimed at the full utilisation of the UNINETTUNO’s courses.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Helwan University, The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, the Italian Salesian Technical Vocational Institute Don Bosco and the Italian Embassy in Egypt, that includes the launch of a pilot project for the Faculty of Vocational Training, based on the model of distance teaching and learning of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.
  • Letter of Intent among UNINETTUNO - Cairo University - Helwan University, which envisages the continuation and development of cooperation among these three institutions after the end of the Med Net U project.


  • Memorandum of Understanding among UNINETTUNO, Al Akhawayn Ifrane and the Pianodam Formation of Casablanca for the development of the TEU Consortium (Telematic Euromediterranean University). The agreement, supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of the Kingdom of Morocco, envisages the development of new e-learning content and the distribution of content, that already exists in the UNINETTUNO’s educational offer in Arabic, French and English languages; the construction of a Production Centre and a Technological Pole at the University Campus of the Al Akhawayn in Ifrane, and the use of the UNINETTUNO’s e-learning platform. The TEU Consortium envisages the opening towards new institutional partners and Moroccan universities, and will develop an educational offer which is available to all Moroccans and Africans students in order to support the technological development of the traditional universities.

  • Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, the Ministry in charge of the Moroccan Community resident abroad and the Secretary of State in charge of School Education for the development and promotion of distance learning of the Moroccan language and culture to Moroccan children in Italy and for the training of young Moroccan immigrants in Italy.
  • Application protocol of the Partnership Agreement in the field of Literacy and Non-Formal Education between the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Professional Training and Scientific Research and the Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision (SNRT) on the one part and UNINETTUNO SRL (RAI NETTUNO SAT 1) on the other part that envisages the ways and frequency of content dissemination of the TV literacy courses in Arabic, carried out in the framework of this Partnership Agreement.
  • Framework Cooperation Agreement between UNINETTUNO and the Secretary of State in charge of Vocational Training of Morocco in the field of Distance Vocational Training, which envisages the development of distance learning via satellite and Internet, and the establishment of a Technological Pole in Morocco.
  • Partnership Agreement between UNINETTUNO and the Secretary of State of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Professional Training and Scientific Research in charge of Literacy and non-Formal Education, which envisages the cooperation and the production of TV programs in the field of literacy and non-formal education at a distance.


  • Letter of Intent among UNINETTUNO – Yarmouk University – Jordan University of Science and Technology, which envisages the joint production of distance courses (bachelors and masters) in order to issue degrees recognised in Italy, Europe and Jordan.


  • Cooperation Agreement among the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Italian Development Cooperation UNIDO (United Nation Industrial Delopment Organisation) and UNINETTUNO for the implementation of the EDICT project – Enterprise Development through Information and Communication Technology – the objective of which is to create the distance learning courses for the training and development of entrepreneurship in Iraq, and to realise three technological poles (Baghdad, Erbil, Thi Qar).


  • Amendment to the Framework Agreement of Cooperation between UNINETTUNO and the Université Virtuelle de Tunis, which intends the sharing of curriculum, study plans, teachers and teaching methods and the delivery of degrees recognised in Italy, Tunisia and in Europe, opening the doors to the global labour market.
  • Agreement between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Université de Tunis El Manar, which involves the activation of a Technological Pole at the headquarter of the Université de Tunis El Manar.
  • Draft of Framework Agreement of Cooperation between UNINETTUNO and l’Université Virtuelle de Tunis.