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Digital Learning/Coronavirus: UNINETTUNO launches a cycle of Digital Talks to reflect upon emergency


The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO launches a cycle of Digital Talks entitled: "The Covid-19 Emergency and its Democratic, Economic and Social Emergencies” that will be live streamed on UNINETTUNO’s platform and on the University’s FB page.

A cycle of webinars, under the supervision Prof. Fabio G. Angelini, contract professor of Administrative Law at UNINETTUNO, that sees the participation of academicians and personalities working in the world of industry, communication, professions, culture and social life by means of which the University wishes to offer points for reflections on current issues in order to promote  discussion processes that appear more and more indispensable for a deliberative and inclusive democracy.

The first rendezvous takes place on the 30th April: "Democracy between Technology and Communication", devoted, in particular, to the situation of “permanent emergency” that is strongly challenging the model of liberal democracy, still in great troubles and threatened by the application of the digital technologies in the framework of the democratic processes.

Among the participants, besides Prof. Angelini who moderates the debate, Mauro Barberis, full professor of philosophy of law at the University of Trieste and Lelio Alfonso, managing partner in Milan of Comin & Partners. 

The schedule of Digital Talks for the whole month of May:

5/5, at 5 pm 

Emergency and its conflicts with Lawyer. Luca Bolognini (Istituto Italiano Privacy)

and Prof. Luca R. Perfetti (University of Bari);

8/5 , at 5 pm

Politics, society and economy: a relationship to be rethought?

Prof. Markus Krienke (Università della Svizzera Italiana)

Dott. Antonio Campati (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Prof. Martin Schlag (St. Thomas University)

12/5, at 5 pm

The tightness of the economic system between monetary policies and public investments

Prof. Marco Giorgino (Politecnico di Milano)  - tbc

Laywer Lorenzo Parola (Herbert Smith Freehills)

19/5, at 5 pm

Public investments: the role of the State and public-private finance

Dr. Andrea Fanelli (Cassa Depositi e Prestiti) - tbc

Lawyer Simone Egidi (Herbert Smith Freehills)

21/5, at 5 pm

The impact of cultural industry: survival or relaunching?

Drt. James Bradburne (Pinacoteca di Brera)

Dr. Sergio Escobar (Piccolo Teatro) - tbc