Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


University without boundaries


  • What are Uninettuno Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

    Thanks to the UNINETTUNO MOOCs you will be able to freely follow the lectures of the best Italian and international lecturers drawn from a selection of the best courses of UNINETTUNO, in Italian, English and Arabic; you will have at your disposal digitised and indexed on-demand video lectures, usable on a PC as well as on smart phone and tablet, including hypertextual links to more-in-depth study materials (books and articles, practice work, slides, bibliographical references, lists of websites). You will also have at your disposal a collaborative discussion environment, a thematic forum by means of which you will be able to exchange views with your colleagues on the issues dealt with in the lectures, discuss the practice work done, cooperatively create new knowledge in a process that will see you active players of your own learning process.

  • How to get Credits (European Credits Transfer System) with Uninettuno MOOC

    If you have enjoyed the MOOCs experience, you can transform it into an actual asset for your academic and professional career: by enrolling in the corresponding UNINETTUNO university course, you will be included into a class and have the support of a tutor who will guide you along your learning path; you will be able to participate in a course delivery cycle, interact with professors and tutors in real time in UNINETTUNO virtual classrooms on the Web (on live streaming) or in UNINETTUNO Island of Knowledge on Second Life; the tracking of your activities on the MOOCs will be recorded and you will be acknowledged as an attending student and will be able to sit for the exam that will allow UNINETTUNO to officially assign you – in case of success – the university study credits corresponding to the selected courses, based on the Credits (European Credits Transfer System) - European Credit Transfer System, recognised by the Italian and by EU universities.

The course # of Uninettuno allows you to get # university credits according with the European System ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) and legally recognized by European and International Universities.
In order to get credits you need to study online following the Uninettuno model until the final exam.
The certification fee of the course # is # Euros that you can pay by Bank transfer to:

Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO
IBAN: IT46 G030 6905 0201 0000 0070 068
BIC BCITITMM (only for bank transfers from abroad)
(Istituto Bancario: IntesaSanPaolo SpA
Via del Corso, n. 226 00186 Roma)

Once you have paid the registration fee for the single course you will be contacted by our student secretariat to arrange your online studies.
If you prefer you can contact our student secretariat by email at to be driven into the path of registration.


Operator of Cultural Heritage (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2013/2014) - Archaeological Heritage (ad esaurimento)

Archaeology and history of Greek and Roman art

Credits: 12
Available languages: IT
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to offer a wide view of the history of art in Greece and ancient Italy between IX century B.C. and the Severian period, with specific attention to architecture, sculpture, painting and other arts and crafts of the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic Greece and their reflection in Italy. As for Italy, the course will first focus on the arts and crafts of Etruscans and southern Italy, to move then to the presentation of the Roman art during the republican and imperial periods.
This course has no prerequisites. However, notions of ancient history and art are welcome.
The course can serve as foundation to get orientated and to acquire basic skills about the Greek, Etruscan and Roman art.
The course treats the following topics: the beginning of the figurative art in Greece. The contribution of the eastern Mediterranean art. Myths and related topics in the architectonic sculpture and pottery. The great sculpture: Fidia, Timoteo, Prassitele, Skopas, Lisippo. The Greek painting and its reflections in the Etruscuan world. The Hellenistic art and its reflections in Italy. Roman art during the Republic: the contribution of the Etruscan art. The Roman art in the early Empire and the role of Augustus. Paintings from Pompei. The Roman art in the middle and late Empire.
INTRODUCTION: CHRONOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY, SOURCES, METHODS: T. Hölscher, L’archeologia classica. Un’introduzione, L’Erma di Bretschneider – Roma 2010, pp. 19-86 . GREEK ART: One book selected: 1. E. Lippolis, G. Rocco. Archeologia Greca. Cultura, società politica e produzione, Feltrinelli 2011. 2. A. Giuliano, Storia dell’arte Greca, Carocci editore, Roma 2008. 3. G. Bejor – M. Castoldi – C. Lambrugo, Arte greca, Mondadori, Milano 2008. ROMAN ART: One book selected: 1. M. Torelli, M. Menichetti, G.L. Grassigli, Arte e archeologia nel mondo romano, Longanesi, Milano 2008. 2. R. Bianchi Bandinelli, Roma. L’arte romana nel centro del potere, BUR, Milano 1969 e successive ristampe + R. Bianchi Bandinelli, Roma. La fine del’arte antica, BUR, Milano 1970. 3. P. Zanker, Arte romana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2008.
Le esercitazioni sono OBBLIGATORIE e consistono nello svolgimento di una serie di temi sotto forma di brevi elaborati. Per lo svolgimento dei temi si consiglia di integrare le videolezioni con i materiali indicati nelle sezioni “Libri/Articoli”, “Bibliografia” e “Sitografia”.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Louis Godart
List of lessons
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Dieter Mertens
Dieter Mertens
Vincenzo Saladino
Clemente Marconi
Vincenzo Saladino
Vincenzo Saladino
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Vincenzo Saladino
Vincenzo Saladino
Vincenzo Saladino
Vincenzo Saladino
Clemente Marconi
Eugenio Polito
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Maria Josè Strazzulla
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Fausto Zevi
Patrizio Pensabene Perez