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Entrusted to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO the vocational training of technicians of the European Aerospace, Defence and Security Industries


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Brussels, the 26th November 2013, in the premises of ASD (Aerospace & Defence Industries Association of Europe) in Rue Montoyer 10 in Brussels , the Secretary General of ASD, Jan PIE , the Director of ASD–STAN, Gunter LESSMAN, and the President and Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, undersign a Memorandum of Understanding by means of which UNINETTUNO becomes the only board accredited for the organisation, delivery and issuing of the specific ASD - Simplified Technical English (STE 100) certificate.

These vocational courses will certify the skills acquired by operators in the use of the STE 100 standard in the purpose of enhancing security and exchange of information in strategic sectors such as that of Defence, Security and Aerospace. The ASD members include all the industries operating in the sectors of Aerospace and Defence in Europe. In 2012 this industry reached a turnover of over 186 billion Euro and it gives employment to 752,000 employees in 20 different countries.
The training activities will be organised on the distance mode and delivered worldwide by means of the UNINETTUNO educational portal, www.uninettunouniversity.net applying the distance teaching psycho-pedagogic model, realised by Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector of UNINETTUNO.  UNINETTUNO will be in charge of course design, of the selection and specific training of the video teachers and tutors, of the production and delivery of all the envisaged training activities through the e-Learning platform on www.uninettunouniversity.net. At the end of the training path, which includes videolessons, online exercises, virtual classrooms and exams, UNINETTUNO and ASD will deliver an official certificate.

‘We are proud of having been selected by ASD as the only board for this kind of certification. I see this success as a further recognition of the quality of our e-Learning platform that is currently available in 5 languages (Italian, English, Arabic, French and Greek) and that is used by thousands of students from 75 countries of the world. The agreement with ASD is a definite confirmation of the fact that quality distance education, by reducing costs and distances, can help to offer vocational training activities realised to meet the industry’s specific demands and assure new opportunities of employment and specialisation” Prof. Maria Amata Garito – Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

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