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UNINETTUNO’s New MOOCs courses on the OpenupEd portal


Starting from today, four new UNINETTUNO MOOCs courses are available on the European OpenupEd portal, in addition to the 241 courses already available in the University's educational offer. In line with the trends and training needs in the fields of climate change and land valorization, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO decided to make the following MOOCs courses available to everybody free of charge:

  • “Landscapes of the Italian Cities and Territory" by Prof. Louis Godart, in Italian, composed of 16 video lessons in which the cultural, historical and architectural characters are explored in order to interpret and analyze the Italian cultural heritage.

The three courses in the Reporting Climate Change program:

  • "What is Climate Change"
  • "Reporting Climate Change"
  • “Experiences and Case Studies on Climate Change"

delivered by international experts in the field, in collaboration with COPEAM - Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators - and the EIB - European Investment Bank, available in three languages (English, French and Arabic).

UNINETTUNO's MOOCs educational offer is realized in collaboration with the OpenupEd European portal of EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities - and supported by the European Commission.

The courses are available in seven languages (Italian, English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Russian and Chinese) and belong to six different thematic areas (engineering, economics, cultural heritage, psychology, communication sciences and law).


OpenupEd website

Uninettuno's Mooc page