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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Publications and conference activities

UNIVERSITY FOR REFUGEES: EDUCATION WITHOUT BOUNDARIES, intervento presentato in occasione dell’International Conference on e-Learning in the Workplace ICELW 2017, New York, NY, USA, 14-16 Giugno 2017  

AuthorM. A. Garito  Place/DateNew York (Usa), 6/14/2017

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In a globalized and interconnected world, characterized by a technological revolution affecting all countries and by a landmark phenomenon, involving Europe above all, which is connected to the largest migration in the history of mankind, Universities must discover a new mission, a new role and a new function. Both of these phenomena confronted the whole society with the need of learning a new culture of civil coexistence. This is the reason why it all citizens need to have the cultural tools to understand, interpret and act in a completely unprecedented, at least by its size, intercultural situation. A new interpretation of reality is necessary also in order to identify the way to cope with the great revolution brought about by the Internet, the largest public space humankind has ever  had available so far, which affects our mind’s processes on a planetary scale. It is a truly landmark revolution that challenges our balances, our certainties, no longer bound to a single country, to a single nation. By now, in the global squares of the Internet, people from the whole world communicate with each others, but few are the countries, which have homogeneous populations in terms of race, culture, and only few universities are models of diversity.  For this reason it is necessary that Universities be able to give the citizens the cultural tools to live in the complexity of the XXI Century.