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PEDAGOGICAL MODELS FOR VIDEO COMMUNICATION IN MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES (MOOCs): A SUCCESS STORY" in Global e-Learning, 2.a Edición, studio diretto da UDIMA, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid e pubblicato dal Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF), pp. 121-134

ISBN 978-84-454-2946-3

AuthorM. A. Garito  Place/DateMadrid (Spagna), 1/1/2015

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The initiatives on MOOCs promoted in the United States by prestigious uni- versities, such as Stanford, Harvard, MIT, and by private bodies such as Udacity, aroused great interest worldwide; however the teaching and lear- ning models proposed with MOOCs do not appear to rely on solid theore- tical bases and, therefore, on valuable psycho-pedagogical models. The aim of this paper is to analyze some pedagogical aspects related to video communication models in order to highlight the strong and weak points of the educational framework of these initiatives. The teaching models adop- ted by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO for its video lessons, the distance assessment systems, the teacher/tutor and student distance interaction models reached such a quality level that it allows us to generalize this model and trigger teaching and learning processes of high quality and to lower the dropouts rates of the students enrolled in MOOCs.