Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2019/2020)

Developmental psychology

Video professors: William Fabricius - Arizona State University (Phoenix - Arizona - USA)


Lesson n. 1: Introduction to Course
   Understanding knowledge and learning

   Transition experiences in learning



Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 2: Pre-natal and post-natal development (Part I)
   Stages of pre-natal development

   What can go wrong

   Developmental disabilities
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 3: Pre-natal and post-natal development (Part II)
   Prospective studies

   Organismic models

   Prospective studies in organismic models
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 4: Pre-natal and post-natal development (Part III)
   Factors that can influence child development

   Other factors

Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 5: The world of the new born (Part I)
   Empiricism or Innatism

   The neonatal behavioral assessment scale

   Emotional response, turning toward sounds, coping responses
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 6: The world of the new born (Part II)
   Helping parents with their child

   Organismic process

   Independent and variables in research

   Dependent variables

Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 7: The world of the new born (Part III)
   Motor development

   Video explaining motor characteristics in infants

   Comments on video and related theories

   Summing up
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 8: Perceptual development (Part I)
   How perception of depth works

   The Gibsoninan view

   Invariant property and affordance
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 9: Perceptual development (Part II)
   Are senses integrated or independent at birth

   Methods of perception

   Looking and reaching

   Looking and listening

   Looking and touching
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 10: Perceptual development (Part III)
   Infant depth perception

   Objects behind other objects

   Moving the body through space

   Visual proprioception

   The visual cliff

   Summing up
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 11: Cognitive Development - Piaget's theory (Part I)
   What is thinking in Piaget's view

   Accommodation and assimilation


   What does thinking develop from

Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 12: Cognitive Development - Piaget's theory (Part II)
   Sensory motor intelligence

   Sensory motor stages

Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 13: Cognitive Development - Piaget's theory (Part III)
   Pre-operational intelligence

   Concrete operational intelligence

   Formal operational intelligence

   Evaluation of Piaget's theory
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 14: Language development (Part I)
   Four aspects of language

   The meanings of words

   The classical idea

   The modern idea

   How the children learn the meanings of words
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 15: Language development (Part II)
   Semantic features hypothesis and its problems

   The current view: the prototype theory

   The rules for sentences
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 16: Language development (Part III)
   The rules for sentences (continued)

   How do children lear the rules to make sentences

   Surface and deep Structure of a sentence
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 17: Moral development (Part I)
   Components of moral behavior

   Component 1: Interpretation

   Component 2: knowledge
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 18: Moral development (Part II)
   Component 2: knowledge (conitnued)

   Moral reasoning, relativism and formal operations
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 19: Social-emotional development: attachment (Part I)
   Freudian theory

   Learning theory

   Bowlby's theory
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 20: Social-emotional development: attachment (Part II)
   Bowlby's theory (continued)

   Mary Ainsworth and the Strange Situation

   Video of SSP
Go to this lesson William Fabricius
Lesson n. 21: Social-emotional development: attachment (Part III)
   Mary Ainsworth and the Strange Situation (continued)

   Modern research

   Prof. Fabricius' perspective
Go to this lesson William Fabricius