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"The truth and drama of immigration and wars”An exclusive account by Roberto Saviano on UNINETTUNOUNIVERSITY.TV channel aired on Saturday July the 27th at 9 pm and re-run further on


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With the strength of his touching and profound words that are not afraid of any censorships and that, relentlessly, tell the truth, Roberto Saviano speaks about the drama of wars and migration in an exclusive video for the digital channel of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UninettunoUniversity.Tv). This special program collecting some of most touching passages of the speech delivered by the writer at the XVIII edition of the International Festival of Literatures, will be aired on July the 27th at 9 pm and re-aired on July the 28th at 8:10 am and 11 pm; on July the 29th at 10:30 am and 5 pm; on July the 30th at 9 am and 18:15 pm and on July the 31st at 1:30 pm and at 9 pm on UninettunoUniversity.Tv (channel 812 of Sky and 701 of the Tivùsat platform of RAI).
“Man’s history consists in the struggle of the great evil that tries to grind the small seed of humanity”, one of the writer’s sentences aiming at spreading the value of life in minds. A gift that man must protect and respect, especially as regard those who need a shelter, which is not only a land where they can build a new life, but a dignified reception. Saviano shows some photographs telling about the drama of migration and wars across the world, showing the primary victims of these atrocities. And, too often, these victims are women and children. If violence and indifference paralyze humanity, the only “weapon” that remains is that of witnessing, as it can be understood from the words of the writer: “Telling about all this is hard, dismantling these falsities is hard, but against a lie there is no other practice then witnessing”. The objective of UNINETTUNO is that of promoting the spreading this message of humanity devoting not only a special program to the issue, but also helping to give back refugees and immigrants their dignity, every day, thanks to the project “University for Refugees”. Thanks to UNINETTUNO’s portal, the section: www.universitaperirifugiati.it, allows refugees and immigrants to access the university and continue their studies or enroll in vocational training and retraining courses, study the languages of the hosting countries, promote the knowledge of the rules and laws regulating reciprocal rights and duties. “In a more and more interconnected world and facing such an important migration flow we had to give ourselves a new mission” as Maria Amata Garito, UNINETTUNO’s Rector, says.