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Inauguration of the first academic year of the Master of Science in “Health Management” with the Global University of Science of Somalia



On Tuesday, the 2nd February, during a videoconference between the Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Professor Maria Amata Garito, and the President of the Somali Global University of Science, Dr. Abdulcadir M. Giama, the first academic year of the Master of Science in “Health Management” aimed at training the managerial and administrative staff of the Somali hospitals.

The videoconference saw the participation of some representatives of the Somali Parliament and of the Higher Education Ministry. Thanks to this agreement, the workers of the Somali health services will be able to access – even remaining in their own country – an international-level highly specialized training path, delivered in English by UNINETTUNO’s best lecturers, expert in this field and coming from all Europe.

The project allowed also for the establishment of a UNINETTUNO Technological Pole in the premises of the Global University of Science of Galkayo, to allow all people an access to  high-speed Web connections, take face-to-face exams and take part in the distance interactive training activities.