Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2018/2019)

The European Legal and Political System


Lesson n. 1: The European Union and its Policies
   Overview of the European Union: history, policies, institutions

   The European Union as a political system

   The basic legal texts on which the European Union and the European Communities are founded

   The budget of the European Union
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Lesson n. 2: The European Union and its Decision-Making Process
   The institutions of the European Union

   The Council

   The Commission

   The European Parliament

   The codecision procedure
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Lesson n. 3: Features and Dynamics of the Emerging European Democracy
   Interest representation in the European Union

   The European Economic and Social Committee

   The Committee of the Regions

   The Burson-Marsteller Guide to Effective Lobbying

   Home page of Simon Hix
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Lesson n. 4: The European Union and Public Opinion
   Eurobarometer surveys

   Article on Popular Euroscepticism
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Lesson n. 5: The Future of the European Union
   Commission's stretegic objectives 2005-2009

   Institutional Reform of the European Union

   The Commission’s contribution to the period of reflection and beyond: Plan-D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate

   Wider Europe — Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours

   Article by Andrew Moravcsik on the democratic deficit of the EU

   Articles by Simon Hix and Stefano Bartolini on the democratic deficit of the EU
Vai alla slide della lezione Pierpaolo Settembri
Lesson n. 6: The European Union after the Lisbon Treaty - Part I
   History of the Lisbon Treaty


   Fundamental Principles

   Economic Principles

   Cultural Principles

   Foreign Policy
Vai alla slide della lezione Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich
Lesson n. 7: The European Union after the Lisbon Treaty - Part II
   EU Institutions after the Lisbon Treaty

   European Council

   European Commission

   European Parliament

   Approval of EU budget
Vai alla slide della lezione Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich
Lesson n. 8: The European Union after the Lisbon Treaty - Part III
   Court of Justice of the European Union

   Role of the ECJ after the Lisbon Treaty

   General Court of the European Union

   European Central Bank

   Europen System of Central Banks

   European Investment Bank
Vai alla slide della lezione Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich
Lesson n. 9: The European Union after the Lisbon Treaty - Part IV
   The new role of the ECJ

   Relevant Case-Law of the ECJ

   Human body

   Family relations

   Gender discrimination

   Freedom of expression

   Liability of judicial bodies

   Illegal immigration and asylum seekers

   Foreign policy
Vai alla slide della lezione Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich