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MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2018/2019)

Demos/Ethnos and constituent process

Past Virtual Classrooms Sessions

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A collective identity for Europe: text and contex of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe_20110223  (A.Y. 2010/2011)
A collective identity for Europe: text and contex of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe_20110223

Lesson n.1: Europe and the Constitutional Process

Lesson n.2: Does Europe Need a Costitution?

Lesson n.3: Constituent Power

Lesson n.4: Demos-Ethnos

Lesson n.5: People/Constitution

Lesson n.6: Between and Beyond

Lesson n.7: Identity of Europe

Lesson n.8: The Thought of Roots

Lesson n.9: Identity Written on a Charter

Lesson n.10: After Sovereighty