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The Government of Nicaragua chooses the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO to develop new academic models based on the most innovative technologies


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Rome, the 30th January 2017 – “Aprender, emprender, prosperar”: learning, undertaking, thriving. These are the words that sum up the spirit and aim of the agreement signed today between the National Council of the Universities of Nicaragua (CNU) and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, represented respectively by the Minister of the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Francisco Telémaco Talavera Siles heading the CNU and by the Rector of UNINETTUNO, Maria Amata Garito.

The agreement is aimed at: realizing joint academic programs; the acknowledgement of double study titles; launching vocational training and retraining courses to promote social inclusion; establishing a UNINETTUNO Technological Pole in Nicaragua and at developing the “Universidad Abierta en Línea”, a newly-born project that the Government of Nicaragua is going to realize in cooperation with UNINETTUNO. .

“In many places across the world – Minister Talavera Silas, who came to Italy expressly to sign this agreement, remarked – the XX century education is still very widespread. The most difficult thing is to change mindsets and mainly those of the teachers. Your experience must help us change our university and use technology as a means and not as end; only so doing we will actually democratize the access to knowledge”. A vision wholly shared by UNINETTUNO Rector who says: “The agreement signed today is very important. Our University is working to made available its expertise, learning platform, psycho-pedagogic model, outcome of over 20 years of research work and its organizational model that made UNINETTUNO become a worldwide leading online university, having an international character and students coming from over 156 countries of the world. This agreement marks a step ahead for the academic and cultural relations between Italy and Nicaragua, based on quality, respect for cultures and conscious use of the new technologies”.