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Didactic Commission on UNINETTUNO International Programs is Born


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Rome, the 11th January 2017 – Starting from this year the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has provided itself with an additional tool to assure an excellence-level to his curricula at global level and to develop cooperation networks with new international partners: it is the “Didactic Commission on International Programs -  QIP”, composed of five members, who are academicians and higher education professionals.

The Commission will support the International Affairs Office and, among its main objectives, there will be that of supervising the development and quality of the international programs; monitoring the academic course management, delivery and relative outcomes; assuring effective and productive partnerships among participating faculties; take stock of the teachers and students’ feedback in order to foster higher teaching and learning performances in international programs; supplying infrastructures, materials and services supporting existing international partnerships and developing new programs.

Today UNINETTUNO, with its 15,000 students coming from 160 countries, offers degree, master-level and vocational training courses in Italian, English, Arabic, French and Greek, with faculties supplying new contents even in Romanian, Georgian, Russian and Chinese thanks to a number of agreements with international partners. In this framework the new Commission for Quality on International Programs will play a strategic role in order to assure high teaching standards based on the new technologies that UNINETTUNO has been always offering to its own students.

Here you find a description of the activities of the new Commission and a profile of its members:

Commission for the Quality on International Programs (QIP)