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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Pubblicazioni e Attività Congressuali

COOPERATION PATTERNS BETWEEN THE INTERNATIONAL TELEMATIC UNIVERSITY UNINETTUNO AND THE UNIVERSITIES OF OTHER COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD intervento presentato all’International Forum “The World on the Path to Smart Society” organizzato da M.E.S.I. – Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics in occasione delle celebrazioni per gli 80 anni dell’Università.

AutoreM. A. Garito  Luogo/DataMosca, 09/10/2012

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New technologies allow a direct connection between the university and the user, by means of a simple PC, a tablet or a smart phone: lessons, multimedia products, databases, self-assessment systems, exams organisation and other training materials can be quickly forwarded and this promotes collaborative learning processes inside dynamic virtual environments. In the "virtual" classrooms, it is possible to reproduce teaching-learning activities as it happens in actual classrooms, but it is also possible to significantly increase the amount of information and start up multiple interactions in real time among individuals belonging to different cultural levels, having different traditions and experience and coming from educational environments of different countries of the world.