Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Anno Accademico 2019/2020)

Demos/Ethnos and constituent process


Lezione n. 1: Europe and the Constitutional Process
   Identity and European Constitution

   Europe and the Constitutional Process


   Words and Things

   Constitutional Treaty and its words

   The Importance of Words when embodied

   1999:Council of Europe's Decision

   The political and Cultural Foundation

   Fundamental Rights

   Giving Oneself a Constitution

   The Greek Name of Constitution

   Constitution in the Kantian foundation

   Reflexivity and Normativity

   Constitution as a Process and as a Procedure

   The Constitution adn its "time"

   Polisemy of "time"

   History and the Project

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Lezione n. 2: Does Europe Need a Costitution?
   Introduction of the Questions

   Historical Times of a Constitution

   The vocation for a Constitution

   Several Dimensions of the Political Community

   Who shares and what is shared? - Community

   Model of Constitution

   Positive and Negative approaches

   Braucht Europa eine Verfassung?

   There is no "Volk"

   Constitution as a process of "double institutionalization"

   Constitution as a simple legal layout

   A double thread

   The reason why a Constitution is increasingly a necessity

   The idea of political community and constitution are changing

   Being together as Europeans

   Public sphere according to Habermas

   Constitution as a place of shared communication
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Lezione n. 3: Constituent Power
   Introduction: Constituent Power

   Constitution as a narrative and literary textum

   Lexicon and words used in the Constitutions


   State, people, sovereignty

   Constitution with or without a State?

   Pouvoir constituant

   A Constitution without enemies

   Relative autonomy of the European Constitution
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Lezione n. 4: Demos-Ethnos
   The plural grammars

   Olistic dimention

   People as Ethnos

   People as Demos

   The long history of the category of Demos
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Lezione n. 5: People/Constitution
   Constitutionalisation and Juridification

   The "foundation"of the Costitution

   No people no Costitution

   No people without Costitution
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Lezione n. 6: Between and Beyond
   Costitutional treaty:an amphibious formula

   An apparent paradox

   A liquid anxiety about nationalisms

   Never again of violence
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Lezione n. 7: Identity of Europe
   A Costitution of the identity

   When the identity becomes right

   An invisible empty space
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Lezione n. 8: The Thought of Roots
   A Costitution of the identity

   Whwn the identity becomes right

   An invisible empty space
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Lezione n. 9: Identity Written on a Charter
   A Costitution of the identity

   Whwn the identity becomes right

   An invisible empty space
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Lezione n. 10: After Sovereighty
   Being on borders

   Some paradigms


   The language of sovereignty and its rules

   Experimentum Europae
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