Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Global MBA (blended Rome edition) (Anno Accademico 2020/2021)

Digital technologies for business


Lezione n. 1: Information Systems in Business Today
   The Digital Firm

   Information Systems

   Investment in IT

   Approaches to Information Systems
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 2: Global E-Business and collaboration
   Business Processes

   Role of Information Systems

   Collaboration and Teamwork
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 3: Information Systems, organizations, and strategy - Part one

   Impact of information systems on organizations

   Competitive advantage
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Lezione n. 4: Information Systems, organizations, and strategy - Part two
   Information systems and competitive forces

   Internet impact

   Business Value Chain Model

   Synergies, core competencies and network-based strategies

   Management issues
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 5: IT infrastructure and emerging technologies - Part one
   IT infrastructure

   Technology drivers of infrastructure evolution

   Components of IT infrastructure
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Lezione n. 6: IT infrastructure and emerging technologies - Part two
   Trends in Computer Hardware Platforms

   Trends in Computer Software Platforms

   Challenges of Managing IT Infrastructure
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 7: Foundations of Business Intelligence
   Traditional file management

   Database approach

   Big Data

   Tools for BI
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 8: Securing Information Systems
   System vulnerability and abuse

   Business value of security and control

   Framework for security and control
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Lezione n. 9: Operational excellence and customer intimacy
   Enterprise systems

   Supply chain management systems

   Customer relationship management systems

   Enterprise application
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Lezione n. 10: E-Business – Part one
   E-Commerce vs. E-Business

   E-Commerce and the Internet

   E-Commerce: Business and Technology
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 11: E-Business – Part two
   E-Commerce Business Models

   E-Commerce Revenue Models
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 12: Managing knowledge
   Dimensions of knowledge

   Knowledge management systems
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 13: Enhancing decision making
   Types of decision making

   The decision making process

   Managerial roles

   The BI environment

   Capabilities of BI and BA

   Management strategies
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Lezione n. 14: Building Information Systems
   Systems development process

   Principal methods for modeling and designing systems

   Alternative methods

   New approaches
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk
Lezione n. 15: Managing global systems
   The growth in international information systems

   Organizing international information systems

   Technology issues and opportunities for global value chains
Vai alla lezione Bernd Schenk