Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in European Law and Policies (Anno Accademico 2012/2013)

The Foreign Policy of the European Union

Docenti video: Alessandro Fusacchia - Istituto di Studi Politici di Parigi (Francia) , Anita Ramasastry - Professore di Diritto commerciale internazionale, School of Law, University of Washington (USA)


Lezione n. 1: The legal framework of the EU Foreign policy
   The Evolution of the External Dimension

   Common Foreign and Security Policy(CFSP)

   Security and Defence

   Neighborhood Policy
Vai alla lezione Rocco Cangelosi
Lezione n. 2: The Neighborhood Policy of the EU

   The objective of the European neighborhood policy (ENP)

   Beyond Enlargement

   A policy for the "ring of friends"

   ENP and Euro-Med Cooperation

   Preliminary assessment of the ENP

   Financial support of the ENP

   Strengthening the ENP

   Commission Communication (Dec. 2006)

Vai alla lezione Alessandro Fusacchia
Lezione n. 3: Withdrawal from the European Union - Art. 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon
   Before the withdrawal

   After the withdrawal

   Review Questions
Vai alla lezione Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Lezione n. 4: The Future of EU after Brexit Referendum
   The crisis of EU

   The solution of crisis

   Review Questions
Vai alla lezione Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Lezione n. 5: European Union Foreign Policy: a brief history and its governance
   Brief history of how foreign and security policy became a common policy of the EU

   The EU’s decision making in foreign and security policy

   The European defence: a work in progress
Vai alla lezione Ferdinando Nelli Feroci
Lezione n. 6: Challenges for the EU in the present international context
   The EU in the post-Covid context: the main characteristics of the present international context

   EU Relations with Major Partners

   The Challenges in the EU Neighbourhood
Vai alla lezione Ferdinando Nelli Feroci
Lezione n. 7: Path of the economic integration
   The EU Goals in 1957

   The Single Market

   The EMU and the EURO
Vai alla lezione Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti
Lezione n. 8: The economic, social and political crises
   The financial crisis and the Euro crisis

   The difficult and costly adjustment

   Slow growth and social discontent
Vai alla lezione Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti
Lezione n. 9: The Next Generation EU And The Relaunching Of Sustainable Growth
   The Pandemic crisis

   Euro Area: Economic Governance and the Completion of the EMU

   Social Sustainability and the New Growth Strategy
Vai alla lezione Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti
Lezione n. 10: The EU and Fragmented World Economy
   The Success of the Global Economy and the rise of China

   The Tripolar world economy and the US-China conflict

   The COVID Pandemic shocks

   The current fragmented world economy and the Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Vai alla lezione Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti
Lezione n. 11: Europe as a Global Actor
   A new role of Europe in the world

   A more ambitious EU foreign trade and foreign policy

   The technological challenge for Europe

   Energy and Defence Policies

   The Euro as an international currency
Vai alla lezione Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti