Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Global MBA (blended Rome edition) (Anno Accademico 2023/2024)


CFU: 8
Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
To tackle the blockchain, we need to refer to some apparently very different themes: first of all, the
concept of trust and that of community, then there is cryptography, transparency, sharing and
"competition" in achieving a result. To these concepts are added other concepts such as the immutability of
data and information over time and decentralization. From all these themes, an innovation - not only
technological - is powerful and complex, but also democratic and extraordinarily revolutionary.
Blockchain joins the Internet of People that we use and attend every day to represent the Internet of Value
based on five fundamental concepts:
• Decentralization
• Transparency
• Safety
• Immutability
• Consent
Starting from these principles, the blockchain has become the digital version of a new concept of Trust. For
these reasons, some believe that the blockchain can also take on a "political" value in certain aspects, as a
platform that allows the development and realization of a new form of democracy, truly distributed and
able to guarantee everyone the possibility of to verify, to "control", to have a total transparency on the acts
and on the decisions, which are recorded in immutable and shared archives that have the characteristic of
being unalterable, unchangeable and therefore immune from corruption.
Docente/Tutor Responsabile insegnamento
Maurizio Cavallari