Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management (Anno Accademico 2020/2021)

Marine Geography and Oceanography

CFU: 8
Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
This subject introduces students to the use of nautical charts as well as to the main characteristics of the oceans with their physical and technical characteristics that relate to navigation and shipping. Sea ports and river ports where ocean going vessels proceed are examined and international straits are considered. From meteorological and oceanographic aspect, a consideration is made to the tropical cyclones and ocean currents. Students are introduced to ship’s navigation and obtain a thorough understanding on nautical charts and navigational aids.
No prerequisites
The course aims to provide students with an insight to the specialized world of marine geography and oceanography such us the geographic characteristics of the ocean and the way they affect shipping, the navigational aids that have been developed for facilitating navigation and the physical features through which vessels are obliged to pass. Moreover, students will be aware of the commodities flows on the ocean routes, regarding dry and liquid cargoes as they have been established in the current market.
  1. Earth’s position in the planetary system (from Aristarchus to Copernicus). Greenwich Mean Time, Local Time, Zone Time, changing time at sea
  2. The Nautical chart (from Anaximander to Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC). The Geographical Coordinates, the nautical Mile and Navigational Instruments
  3. Tides and tidal currents. Energy from tides
  4. Tropical cyclones, The oceans and the major seas
  5. International canals
  6. Straits, Dardanelles-Bosporus, Magellan, El Mandeb, Hormuz etc.
  7. The main seaports and river ports of the world
  8. Sea zones and seasonal areas, shipping routes, Commodity flows, liquid cargoes, Ocean currents
  • Moira P., Mylonopoulos D., Marine Geography, Eugenidio Foundation, ISBN: 9789603370932.
  • Elbert S. Maloney, Dutton’s Navigation & Piloting, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 14th Edition, 1989, ISBN 0-87021-157-9.
  • M. Zelik & S. Gregory, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Saunders College Publishing, USA, 1998, ISBN 0-03-006228-4.
Open questions, case studies, problem solving exercises, drafting of an essay.
Docente/Tutor Responsabile insegnamento
Nessun Docente attualmente disponibile per questo corso
Elenco delle lezioni
Eleni Chatzichristou
Markos Botsaris
Nikos Giannakis
Nikos Mazarakis
Markos Botsaris
Markos Botsaris
Markos Botsaris
Markos Botsaris