Per poter studiare scegli la tua materia e lì troverai i diversi ambienti di apprendimento (videolezioni, slides, libri e articoli, multimedia, bibliografia, sitografia, laboratori, esercizi interattivi, esercizi, forum, classi interattive) e docenti/tutor che seguiranno in modo interattivo il tuo processo formativo.
Scegli l'insegnamento di tuo interesse e accedi alla Pagina dedicata al Docente e alla Pagina dedicata al Tutor
Obiettivi specifici del corso
This online master’s course aims to meet the growing demand for the enhanced in-depth knowledge and expertise that are essential for media practitioners around the world. In contemporary society, the need for those working within the dynamic field of media and communications to understand how the system works, and how communication policies are shaped, has never been greater.
The MA programme will provide an introduction to contemporary developments in the various media industry sectors and cultures, and how these are shaped and affected by globalisation. It will explore transformations in existing media, as well as developments in new online media. Your studies will emphasise the importance of new information and communication technologies, and examine the changing political media economy, questioning the role of collective culture and identity in the new global context.
Furthermore, you will examine fundamental research methodologies, placing particular emphasis on the analysis of media discourses, and media audiences. Your online studies will also provide an insight into how the media and communication fields are influenced by the notions of ethnicity, nationalism, gender, and identity.