Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

UNINETTUNO’s organizational structure in the territory appears as a "networked" structure: besides an International Central Structure, there are Technological Poles and Content Production Centers located both in the national and international territory and connected via computer networks.

The Technological Poles, located in the national  and international territory, are teaching structures equipped with distributed digital technologies, that make available to students all technologies needed to follow distance-learning courses, participate in learning activities and take the exams; they have a function of coordination and supervision of training and research activities in the area of competence and provide a physical place of interaction and meeting among students, teachers and tutors.

International Technological Poles

Almaty - Kazakistan - Italian Cultural Center LetteraTè
Seyfullin St 498, Almaty, Kazakistan

Amman - Jordan - Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Khalil Saket Street, PO BOX 1438, Al-Jubaiha, 11941, Amman - Jordan

Atene - Grecia - Atheneum - Liberal Studies
Mpeles 17A & Galinou, 11741 Athens

Baghdad - Iraq - Ministry of Industry and Minerals (Iraq)
EDICT Project

Bassora - Iraq - Iraqi Federation of Industries - Basra Branch
Progetto EDICT

Technological Pole of Berlin
Potsdamer Straße 180, 10783 Berlino, Germania

Cairo - Egypt - Helwan University
In Helwan University Campus – Cairo Egitto

Cairo - Egypt - ITI Don Bosco del Cairo
Via Abdel Kader Taha-el Sahell 1241 Cairo - Egitto

Dubai – United Arab Emirates - AFC Consulting DMCC
Office 4103, Jumeirah Bay Tower X3 - Cluster X - Jumeirah Lakes Towers (Dubai - United Arab Emirates)

Erbil - Iraq - KRG Ministry of Trade and Industry
Progetto EDICT

Frankfurt/Main - Germany – The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany
Corneliusstraße 18 - 60325 Frankfurt/Main - Germany

Ifrane - Morocco - Al Akhawayn University
At l'Al Akhawayn University Campus – Ifrane, Marocco

London, Holborn – UK – Campus London College of Contemporary Arts
​40 Tower Hill, London, EC3N 4DX (UK)

Maputo - Mozambico - Technological pole at ISCTEM (in activation)
Rua 1394 - Zona FACIM, 322 - Maputo

Poland - Fundacja Innowacja
Kasprzaka 29/31 Varsavia Polonia

Lima - Perù – Technological Pole Al Academy
Avenida Benavides 1944 Edificio Swiss Tower - Lima

Prague – Czech Republic – Technological Pole of InterActive
Smichov Gate - Plzenska 3217/16 - Prague 5 - 150 00

Pristina - Kosovo - Centro Educativo Don Bosco
Via Tahir Zajmi Pristina - Kosovo

Rabat - Marocco - Secretariat D’Etat Chargé De L’Alphabetisation Et De L’Education
Route AKRACH, hay Nahda 2, Takadoum B.P.. 5015 Rabat Souissi Maroc

Galkayo - Somalia - Global Science University (GSU)
Galkayo, Puntland State of Somalia

Tbilisi - Georgia - Associazione no profit Minerva
Business Center ‘Besiki' - St. Besiki n. 4 - Tblisi, Georgia

Thi Qar - Iraq - Thi Qar Chamber of Commerce
Progetto EDICT

Tirana - Albania - Gruppo Fortis
Head office information and enrolment: Block, Via Pashko Vasa, no. 8 Tirana, Albania
Exam location: Via Xhanfize Keko, Complesso “Xhura”, Tirana, Albania

Tunisi, Tunisia - Université Virtuelle de Tunis
UVT Tunis - Tunisia

Tunisi - Tunisia - Université de Tunis El Manar
Campus Universitarie BP 94 Tunis - Tunisia

Tunisi – Tunisia - Camera Tuniso Italiana di Commercio e Industria
8 Rue Ibn Khaldoun, EL Menzah 4 – Tunis

National Technological Poles

UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Avellino
c/o presso ISA – CNR Avellino
Via Roma 64, Avellino
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Bergamo
c/o Fondazione ITS Nuove Tecnologie per il made in Italy
Via del Convento snc, San Paolo D’Argon, Bergamo
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Bologna
Via Ugo Bassi, 7
40121 – Bologna
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Catania
c/o Liceo Statale "G. Lombardo Radice"
Via Imperia n. 21, Catania(CT)
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Catanzaro
c/o Arcidiocesi di Catanzaro
Piazza Duomo snc
88100 Catanzaro
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Cisterna di Latina
c/o Fondazione Tullio Levi Civita
Piazza XIX Marzo, Palazzo Caetani, Cisterna di Latina LT
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Adriatico (Fermo)
c/o Associazione PTA (Collegio Periti Industriali Provincia Ascoli Piceno e Fermo)
Via Sant’Alessandro 3, Fermo
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Lanciano (CH)
c/o Consorzio Universitario di Lanciano
Corso Trento e Trieste 72, Lanciano (CH)
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Rovereto
c/o Polo Giuseppe Veronesi
Piazzale Paolo Orsi, 1 Rovereto (TN)
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Lucca
c/o Ambiente cultura individuo snc
Via San Micheletto 8, angolo Via Elisa, Lucca
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Milan
c/o NABA, Nuova Accademia Belle Arti
Via Carlo Darwin, 20, 20143 Milano MI
Polo Tecnologico UNINETTUNO – Molise
c/o presso INM Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed
Via dell'Elettronica, Pozzilli (IS)
Technological Pole at University of Naples
c/o Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo Onlus
Via Agostino Depretis, 130, Napoli NA
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Olbia
c/o Collegio Provinciale Geometri e Geometri Laureati di Sassari
c/o ITCG Attilio Deffenu – Olbia
Via Vicenza 63, Olbia
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Padova
c/o Confservizi Veneto Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via della Croce Rossa 62, Padova
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Palermo
c/o Fondazione Sicilia - Palazzo Branciforte
Via Bara dell'Olivella 2, Palermo
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Pisticci
Sede Multimediale: Delegazione Comunale, Via Genova, Marconia
Via Mattei, Mediateca Pisticci Scalo - Sede Esami
UNINETTUNO-Puglia Technological Pole - Puglia
c/o Gruppo Fortis
C.da Sant’Angelo, Z.I. SUD – Fasano (BR)
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole – Reggio Calabria
c/o Palazzo Città Metropolitana
Via S. Anna II Tronco Loc. Spirito - Reggio Calabria
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Sant’Anna Arresi
Comune di Sant'Anna Arresi
Piazza Aldo Moro, 1, Sant'Anna Arresi, CA
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - San Patrignano
c/o ONLUS San Patrignano Comunity
Via San Patrignano, 53, Coriano, RN
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole – Siena
c/o Collegio Provinciale Geometri e Geometri Laureati di Siena
Via della Arti 6, Siena
Polo Tecnologico UNINETTUNO - Udine
c/o Confservizi Veneto Friuli Venezia Giulia
Viale Palmanova 192 a Udine (Sede d'Esame)
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole – Umbria Todi
c/o IIS Ciuffelli-Einaudi
Viale Montecristo 3, Todi (Perugia).
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole - Torino
c/o il Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, Torino
UNINETTUNO Technological Pole at “Misericordia”, in Viareggio
Via F. Cavallotti 72, Viareggio, LU

The Technological Poles of the project MedNet'U - Mediterranean Network of Universities connected with the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO inherits the network of Universities and Institutions of the MedNet'U project, an EU project  within the Eumedis program, the purpose of which was the creation of a Distance Euro-Mediterranean University for the university education and continuous vocational training.
The UNINETTUNO together with the MedNet'U partners has created the following Technological Poles:

Institut Supérieur de Gestion et de Planification (Bordj El Kiffan, Algeria)
Université Djillal Liabès de Sidi-bel-Abbès (Sidi-bel-Abbès, Algeria)

Cairo University (Cairo, Egitto)
Helwan University (Cairo, Egitto)
Egyptian Association Incubator (Nasr City, Cairo, Egitto)

Fondation Sophia Antipolis (Valbonne, Francia)
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble, Francia)

Aegean University (Lesvos, Grecia)
University of Crete (Creta, Grecia)

Jordan University of Science and Technology (Irbid, Jordan)
Yarmouk University (Irbid, Jordan)

Université Cadi Ayyad - (Marrakech, Marocco)
Ministère de l'Emploi, de la Formation Professionnelle, du Développement Social et de la Solidarité (Rabat, Marocco)
Université Ibn Zohr (Agadir, Marocco)
Université Mohamed V Souissi (Rabat, Marocco)

University of Aleppo (Aleppo, Siria)
Damascus University (Damasco, Siria)
Syrian Virtual University (Damasco, Siria)

Ministère de l'Education et de la Formation (CENAFFIF) (Tunisi, Tunisia)
Ministère des technologies de la communication (SEII) (Tunisi, Tunisia)
Institut National de Bureautique et de Micro-Informatique (INBMI)
Université de Tunis El Manar
Université Virtuelle de Tunis (Tunisi, Tunisia)

Ege University (İzmir, Turchia)


It is important to note that Technological Pole uses the UNINETTUNO e-learning platform which is a web application rich of multi-media materials; therefore it is important to have a Broadband Internet connection.

Several Personal Computers must be available for the users; the number must be proportioned to the total number of the students. Each personal computer must have the following minimum requirements: screen resolution Full HD, 8 GB RAM, 250 GB SSD,  HD webcam, microphone, headset;

A Large Display  with HD webcam will serve two functionalities: it will allow the students to follow demonstration of a Tutor and it will allow all the users to follow a videoconference.For a Large Display either a LCD Monitor of 50-60 inch or a projector with a screen can be used.

A TV set with a satellite antenna and decoder will allow the users to follow all the schedules broadcasted by UNINETTUNO Free on Air on the satellite channel UninettunoUniversity TV.

Technical data: Satellite: HotBird 13° Est; Frequency: 11804,2 MHz; Polarisation: vertical; SymbolRate: 27,5 Msym/s; FEC: 02/3
The television receiver can also be the one integrated in the LCD Monitor.

The Technological Pole is completed with the Servers that allow the Personal Computers to access Internet. If the Technological Pole is not inside an already existent LAN; the Servers shall perform the following tasks: Firewall, Proxy, Domain Controller. Switches and Ethernet cables will complete the LAN.

Example of architectural layout

Below there are some graphical indications for a Technological Pole. In these drawings
3D model of the Technological Pole
3D model of the Technological Pole

Map of the Technological Pole with measures
Map of the Technological Pole with measures

Example of a Technological Pole: Rabat

In Rabat (Morocco), at the Morocco Secrétarait d´Etat chargé de la Formation Professionnelle, it has been established a fully functional Technological Pole of UNINETTUNO.

Below there are some pictures of the Technological Pole in Rabat.
Inauguration of the Technological Pole of RABAT (Morocco)
Inauguration of the Technological Pole of RABAT (Morocco)
and Videoconference with the Production center of UNINETTUNO (Rome)

Technological pole of RABAT (Morocco)
Technological pole of RABAT (Morocco)