Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2021/2022) - Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

Risk management

Video professors: Maurizio Cavallari - Professore associato UNINETTUNO SECS-P/10


Lesson n. 1: Risk, security, organization. First Part
   The Purpose

   The Methodology

   The Perspective

   The Theory Baseline
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Lesson n. 2: Risk, security, organization. Second Part

   The organization of risk
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Lesson n. 3: The organization of risk
   The Waterfall

   Risk Identification

   Risk Quantification

   Risk Mitigation

   Risk Financing

   Rare Events
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Lesson n. 4: Rationality and human action. First Part
   The Enlightment Philosophers

   The Rational Actor Paradigm (R.A.P.)
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Lesson n. 5: Rationality and human action. Second Part
   Critique of the paradigm

   Response of R.A.P.
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Lesson n. 6: Rationality and human action. Third Part
   The Levels

   The Market and the Organizations
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Lesson n. 7: Rational action and sociology
   The awareness

   Sociology and Rationality
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Lesson n. 8: The social side
   The Issue and HERMES Methodology

   Cognitive Task Analysis and other approaches

   Root Cause Analysis

   RCA using Taxonomy
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Lesson n. 9: The practical approaches

   Comparison of Methods for RCA

   Risk Conceptualization
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Lesson n. 10: Risk, culture and organization
   Risk and Perception

   Cultural Theory

   Risk and Interference

   Social System Theory
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Lesson n. 11: Security
   The concept of security

   Information System Security
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Lesson n. 12: Environmental risk
   Chemical accident prevention

   The regulation in details
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Lesson n. 13: Compliance risk
   Organizational relevance

   Compliance impacts

   Organizational elements

   Main sources
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Lesson n. 14: Bank Risk management

   The risk governance framework
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Lesson n. 15: Bank IT/IS Risk

   Audit roles and responsibilities
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Lesson n. 16: Bank IT/IS Risk Audit

   Assessment & Risk-based audit

   Audit participation in application development

   Audit of TSPs (Technology Service Providers)
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Lesson n. 17: Management issues of secure computing

   The Operational Approach

   Case study – GAO
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Lesson n. 18: Fraud Risk
   The definition of Fraud Risk

   Fraud Risk Assessment

   Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
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Lesson n. 19: Enterprise Risk Management

   The COSO ERM Framework

   Role of Risk in strategy selection
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Lesson n. 20: Risk, Strategy, Performance
   Risk Governance and Culture

   Risk, Strategy, Objective-Setting

   Monitoring Enterprise risk management
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