Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2018/2019) - Business management (with the Berlin School of Business & Innovation)

Banking and finance

Interactive classrooms

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Material related to the whole subject.

n. 21.1 -
Monetary Policy  (A.Y. 2019/2020)
Monetary Policy
n. 21.2 -
Monetary Policy - The Eurosystem's instruments  (A.Y. 2019/2020)
Monetary Policy
n. 21.3 -
Unconventional Monetary Policy  (A.Y. 2019/2020)
Monetary Policy

Lesson n.1: Overview of the Financial System

Lesson n.2: The money market

Lesson n.3: The bond market

Lesson n.4: The stock market

Lesson n.5: The mortgages market

Lesson n.6: The foreign exchange market

Lesson n.7: The international financial system

Lesson n.8: Are financial markets efficient?

Lesson n.9: Why do financial institutions exist?

Lesson n.10: Banking and the management of financial institutions

Lesson n.11: Financial regulation

Lesson n.12: Central banks and monetary policy

Lesson n.13: Bank Industry: structure and competition

Lesson n.14: The mutual fund industry

Lesson n.15: Insurance companies and pension funds

Lesson n.16: Investment banks, security brokers and dealers, and venture capital firms

Lesson n.17: Finance companies

Lesson n.18: Saving associations and credit unions

Lesson n.19: Risk management in financial institutions

Lesson n.20: Hedging with financial derivatives