Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Re-Generation Enel (Academic Year 2022/2023) - SLP (Diritto nella Società Digitale) - Diritto delle comunicazioni nel contesto digitale

Law of Communications in a Digital Environment

Content language:Italian
Course description

The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of information and communication law in a digital environment, through a careful analysis of the dynamics that have characterized the liberalization and regulation of the market for electronic communications and media services.

In a preliminary way, the constitutional foundations of information and communication will be described, as well as the evolution of the regulatory and jurisprudential framework in the light of technological progress, with a constant look at the European Union system.

The communications market will then be examined and an account will be given of the functions and activities carried out by the national regulatory authority of the sector within the context of multimedia convergence.

Particular attention will be paid to the appearance of the Internet and the entry into the communications market of new players providing services and content. We will examine the actions taken for the protection and guarantee of rights on the network, with a particular focus on the protection of copyright on electronic communication networks. Finally, the course will propose a reflection on all the phenomena that pose today the problem of correct and responsible use of the network.

Go back to consult the page of available programs for the Law in the Digital Society Area.

Elena Maioli Castriota Scanderbech
List of lessons
Francesco Posteraro
Francesco Posteraro
Francesco Posteraro
Francesco Posteraro
Francesco Posteraro
Francesco Posteraro
Francesco Posteraro