Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2018/2019) - Communication for Institutions in the Digital Society (exhausted)

Political communication and globalization

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description

The course offers cultural tools and keys to understand the changing needs of communication for social and political players who have institutional responsibilities and who must know how to cope with new forms of participation dominated by the presence of the web and social networks.


Specific prerequisites are not required. Knowledge of the most well-known social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) is preferrable.


The aim of the course is to study political communication considering the changes in a globalized and digital society and their consequences on the dynamics of public participation.


The course provides basic theoretical notions of political communication, which means the relationship between communication and power. Starting from the definition of what is political communication, the key concepts that characterize the study of the subject are then explored: public space, citizenship, representation, the dynamics of communication in organizations and complex systems, up to considering the transformations of the knowledge society due to the processes of globalization and digitization.
In its second part, the course deals with issues of conflict resolution and with the dynamics of aggressive communication; on the other hand, it considers some practical and professional aspects of political communication in the digital sphere and of lobbying activities. In this context, we will also analyze some case studies of public communication management by national and international institutions: from the use of new media in electoral campaigns to communication through social networks.

Testi obbligatori:
  • Giampiero Mazzoleni, La comunicazione politica, il Mulino, 2012.
  • Manuel Castells, Comunicazione e potere, Edizione dell’Università Bocconi, 2014.
Testi consigliati:
  • Sara Bentivengna, A colpi di tweet. La politica in prima persona, il Mulino, 2015.
  • Giovanna Cosenza, Semiotica e comunicazione politica, Laterza, 2018.
  • Francesca D’errico, Isabella Poggi, R. Carriero(2014). Aggressive language and insults in digital political participation. In Proceedings of Multiconference on computer science and Information systems: Web Based Communities and Social Media 2014. University of Lisboa, pp.105-114 (ISBN: 978-989-8704-11-5 © 2014). 
  • Piero Dominici, Dentro la società interconnessa. Prospettive etiche per un nuovo ecosistema della comunicazione, Franco Angeli, 2014.
  • Luciano Floridi, La quarta rivoluzione. Come l’infosfera sta trasformando il mondo, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2017; in particolare il capitolo 8. Politica: la nascita dei sistemi multi-agente.
  • Giampiero Gamaleri, Ester Gandini Gamaleri, Media: a ciascuno il suo. Le mail di Obama. Il blog di Grillo. I tweet di Renzi. La tv di Berlusconi, Armando, 2014.
  • Bruno Mastroianni, La disputa felice. Dissentire senza litigare sui social network, sui media e in pubblico, Franco Cesati, 2017.
  • Bruno Mastroianni, Dalla contrapposizione alla contraddizione. Ridare fiato al dibattito in stallo, ExAgere Rivista. Periodico di contributi e riflessioni di sociologia, psicologia, pedagogia, filosofia. OTTOBRE 2018, N. 9 - 10 ANNO III, 2018, in
  • Isabella Poggi, Francesca D’Errico, Ethics, competence or dominance? Values and discredit in political debates, in “Sistemi intelligenti”, gennaio 2012.
During the course students are asked to complete two tests, designed to put into practice the knowledge transmitted by videolessons, interactive class sessions with international professors and experts, in-depth material, discussions on the forum and tutorials. 
The topics of the tests will focus on: 
- Analysis of the characteristics of public communication in the digital scenario
- Analysis of political debates and their dynamics
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Bruno Mastroianni, Vanessa Bilancetti
List of lessons
Edoardo Novelli
Edoardo Novelli
Piero Dominici
Piero Dominici
Piero Dominici
Piero Dominici
Piero Dominici
Bruno Mastroianni
Bruno Mastroianni
Bruno Mastroianni
Cristiano Castelfranchi
Cristiano Castelfranchi
Isabella Poggi
Isabella Poggi
Pierluca Santoro
Emanuele Calvario
Gianpiero Gamaleri