Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Legal Expert in Development and Internationalisation of Enterprises (Academic Year 2011/2012)

European Union Law

Credits: 10
Content language:Italian
Course description
The Course aims at giving to student a deep knowledge of the European Union’s legal order in light of its structuring between the Community method and the intergovernmental cooperation mechanisms.
The Course presupposes basic knowledge of the law and the functioning of a legal order. As a consequence, students must have already passed the courses of Private law and Public law.
The Course aims at describing and analyzing the European Unions’ legal order in its complexity, concentrating in particular on: the evolution of the integration’s process, the institutional framework, the sources and their effects in national orders.
The origin and development of the European integration process; the sources; the judiciary function; the relationships between the European order and internal orders; common security and foreign policy; police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters; the citizenship; the free movement of goods; the competition
U. VILLANI, Istituzioni di diritto dell’Unione europea, Cacucci editore, 2010; U. DRAETTA, N. PARISI, Elementi di diritto dell’Unione europea. Parte speciale. Il diritto sostanziale, Giuffrè editore, Terza edizione, 2010, only chapter II (“Il mercato interno e la politica commerciale comune”) and III (“La politica di concorrenza”).
The exercises proposed aim at verifying the understanding of the main concepts and notion of the subject matter.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Paolo Benvenuti
List of lessons
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Girolamo Strozzi Renzi Majorca
Claudia Morviducci
Claudia Morviducci
Claudia Morviducci
Claudia Morviducci
Claudia Morviducci
Ugo Villani
Ugo Villani
Ugo Villani
Ugo Villani
Ugo Villani
Ugo Villani
Ugo Villani
    •  Lesson n. 21: Le direttive  Go to this lesson
Ugo Villani
Ugo Villani
Flavia Zorzi Giustiniani
Claudia Morviducci
Claudia Morviducci
Claudia Morviducci
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni
Claudia Morviducci
Claudia Morviducci
Flavia Zorzi Giustiniani
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni
Roberto Mastroianni