Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2010/2011) - Touristic path (exhausted)

Organization of work in the tourism system

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course provides a solid foundation with regard to traditional and current issues of trade union rights and individual employment relationships, both in the public sector and the private one.
Qualifying objectives of the course are to provide the student with the ability to: interpret and apply the legal and contractual disciplines move with expertise in all the main topics of the course.
Trade union organization, union activity, the collective agreement, the right to strike, the employee and the self-employed; conduct and termination of labour relationship, the discipline of employment.
Testi d’esame R. Pessi, Lezioni di diritto del lavoro, Giappichelli, Torino, 2012, Cap. IV e V.
Exercises will be conducted through open-ended questions in order to allow students to check their level of learning and the teacher to assess the level of preparedness. The exercises will not detect the purposes of the final grade.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Raffaele Fabozzi
List of lessons
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
    •  Lesson n. 16: Le mansioni  Go to this lesson
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi
Raffaele Fabozzi