Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2011/2012) - Touristic path (exhausted)

Economics and management of transport companies, hotels and restaurants and business organization

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to analyze the economic principles and rules that underlie and govern tourism businesses, with particular attention to the diversity of organization in the holdings depending on their size. It aims to provide an overview of the tourism system in which companies operate with different special needs, illustrating the various models of management of the companies. Part of the course is dedicated to the management principles that are based in the proper and organized management control down to an evaluation and "Return on Investment-ROI", passing through the enhancement of human resources and the market orientation of 'entire company..
There are introductory formal but it is a discipline whose instruments and strategic approaches are better reflected by the learners who are already familiar with the basic concepts of marketing (segmentation, positioning, etc..).
The aim of the course is to deepen the management aspects relating to the main tourist companies, both in terms of providing the service, both in terms of strategic and management. In particular, companies will be mainly analyzed the'' hotel business and the business dining.
Location, size and structure of tourism businesses. The hotel accommodation in the Italian system. Meaning and content management. The formation of the results of operations in the hotel industry. The business plan, budget and business reporting. The internal administrative flows. The management control. Management and organization of human resources. Management of the system in marketing oriented. The evaluation and the value of the hotel.
Economics and business accommodation and catering, Luigi De Simone Niquesa, FrancoAngeli Publisher
There are two types of exercises: some allow correction independently, while others need to be given to tutors for its correction
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Fabiola Sfodera
List of lessons
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
    •  Lesson n. 12: Il budget  Go to this lesson
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
    •  Lesson n. 16: Reporting  Go to this lesson
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Luigi De Simone Niquesa
Matteo Caroli
Matteo Caroli
Matteo Caroli
Matteo Caroli
Matteo Caroli
Matteo Caroli
Matteo Caroli