Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2010/2011) - corporate path (exhausted)

Economics and business valuation

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The Course aims to provide students with the conceptual and theoretical framework surrounding corporate valuation issues. Particular attention is dedicated to the main valuation methodologies of corporate valuation outlined by the Doctrine and used in professional practice.
The issues discussed in the Course imply that the student has already acquired the knowledge of the program of Business Economics.
The objectives of the Course are to provide students with theoretical and practical tools to address valuation corporate topics in real-life situations.
The contents the Course are as follows: - Approaches, methods and objectives of corporate valuation - Main methods of corporate valuation and approaches commonly used by practitioners such as financial analysts and consulting firms. -Critical discussion of alternative approach and methods for corporate valuation -Examples of industry-specific and case-specific valuation techniques.
G. PAOLUCCI, La valutazione d’azienda. Fondamenti concettuali e prassi applicativa, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011
The discussion of the corporate valuation methods is accompanied by specific numerical exercises which aim to improve the application capabilities of the student.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Guido Paolucci
List of lessons
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci
Guido Paolucci