The course examines the main principles and fundamental institutions underlying civil litigation, adjourned to the recent legislative reforms and the main case laws. |
Successful passage of the civil law examination is required. |
The course through in depth-analysis and simulated experiences allows to learn the principles and the rules of civil procedure. |
The course will explore the following arguments: sources of civil procedural law; – jurisdictional function; – general principles of the trial ;– limits to the exercise of jurisdiction;- exercise of civil action and claim, lis pendens, related actions, connected actions;- the judge, the public prosecutor;-the parties, the advocates ;–the trials with plurality of parties: co-plaintiff, interventions; –judicial acts and documents;–invalidity;- evidence;– cognitive civil process: the introductory phase, the debating phase, the decision phase; interruption, suspension, extinction of the civil process;- res judicata; -appeals and other challenges to the judgment; - preventive summary judgments; –hearings in chambers;– enforcements;- special proceedings; - alternative methods of dispute resolution; -arbitration. |
ARIETA,G., DE SANTIS, F., MONTESANO,L., Corso base di diritto processuale civile, Editore Cedam, V Edizione, 2013. |
There will be periodical tutorials, prevalently multiple choice questions. |
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching