Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Law (Academic Year 2016/2017)

Comparative Public Law

Credits: 10
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course is made of 15 lessons whose purpose is to make learning the method of comparison. It is a fundamental skill for the international curriculum of this Faculty.
It would be appropriated to know the basic public law and English language. We suggest to frequent before the Public Law course.
The goal is to give students basic knowledge of comparative method .
The first part of the course is focused on the reasons and on the methods of public law comparison. In the second part we study in particular some States, especially strong democracies, without forgetting emerging countries as Brazil, Russia, India and China, and some Islamic country. We’ll see the constitutional history of each State, its form of government, local powers, constitutional courts and judiciary system. The third part will be dedicated to multilevel governance.
3 CFU - Vecchio ordinamento (509-1999): P. Carrozza, A. Di Giovine, G. F. Ferrari (a cura di), Diritto costituzionale comparato, Laterza, 2009(CAPITOLI I - II - III (Regno Unito) - V (Usa) - VI (Francia) – VII (Germania) - VIII(Spagna) - XXI(Famiglie giuridiche) - XXII(Forme di Stato) - XXIII(Forme di Governo) – XXIV (Sistemi elettorali e di partito) – XXV (Rapporti centro-periferia) - XIX (Modelli di Giustizia costituzionale). 7 CFU: Nuovo ordinamento (270-2004): P. Carrozza, A. Di Giovine, G. F. Ferrari (a cura di), Diritto costituzionale comparato, Laterza, 2009(CAPITOLI I - II - III (Regno Unito) – V (Usa) – VI (Francia) – VII (Germania) – VIII (Spagna) – XV (India) – XVII (Democrazie Europa orientale) – XVIII (Mondo islamico) – XXI (Famiglie giuridiche) – XXII (Forme di Stato) - XXIII(Forme di Governo) – XXIV(Sistemi elettorali e di partito) – XXV (Rapporti centro-periferia) – XIX (Modelli di Giustizia costituzionale)
First test is on Lesson n. 2; You can choice the 2nd one from lessons 3-14; Two tests from Great Britain (Lesson 5), Usa (lesson 6), France (7), Germany (8), Spain (9), East Europe and Turkey (13).
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Antonio Ferrara, Federica Fabrizzi, Sara Fiorucci
List of lessons
Carmelina Decaro
Carmelina Decaro
    •  Lesson n. 3: Il metodo  Go to this lesson
Carmelina Decaro
    •  Lesson n. 4: Le finalità  Go to this lesson
Carmelina Decaro
    •  Lesson n. 5: Il Regno Unito  Go to this lesson
Marina Calamo Specchia
Marina Calamo Specchia
Marina Calamo Specchia
Marina Calamo Specchia
Marina Calamo Specchia
Marina Calamo Specchia
Carmelina Decaro
Carmelina Decaro
Carmelina Decaro
Carmelina Decaro
Carmelina Decaro