Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Civil environmental engineering

The Three-Year Degree Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering aims at supplying graduates with a methodological training relying on basic (mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science) and specific knowledge relate to this field of study. Those who will earn an online Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering will also possess the knowledge required to carry out professional activities in different areas, also contributing to activities such as design, production, management and organization, assistance to technical and commercial facilities, risk analysis, security management in the phase of prevention and emergency, as freelance professionals as well as in manufacture or services businesses sectors and also in public administrations. Actually, many are the employment prospects for graduates in Civil and Environmental Engineering. More specifically, the graduates’ professional skills can be defined in relation to the different application fields. The cultural and professional profile of the graduate in Civil and Environmental Engineering is, therefore, that of technician having a suitable cultural background and a good basic training and knowledge of the most important disciplines characterizing the sector of the civil constructions and land management measures, paying particular attention to environmental questions that allow him to plan land management measures, to manage civil plants and design simple public works.

The study program is structured on two paths:

  • Structures and Infrastructures;
  • Constructions, Survey and Topography.

Employment opportunities

The main employment opportunities envisaged for the degree courses of this class are:

  • Civil Engineering Area: construction and maintenance companies for civil works, plants and civil infrastructures; professional offices and companies of works, plants and infrastructures design; public offices for design, planning, management and control of the urban and territorial systems; companies, agencies, consortia and agencies of management and control of works and services systems; services companies for feasibility studies of infrastructures’ urban and territorial impact;
  • Environmental and Territory Engineering: companies, public and private agencies and professional offices for the design, planning, realization and management of works and environment and territory control and monitoring systems; land preservation, waste disposal, use of raw materials, environmental, geologic and energetic resources and for the assessment of environmental impact and compatibility of plans and works;
  • Security and civil, environmental and land defense engineering: big infrastructures, building yards, workplaces, industrial plants, local bodies, public and private bodies where to develop prevention and security management activities and where to cover the responsibility profiles envisaged by current regulations for the control of the security requirements (laws 494/96, 626/94, 195/03, 818/84, UNI 10459).

The typical professional operational fields of the graduates in Civil and Environmental Engineering are those of design, realization and maintenance of civil, industrial and infra-structural works; of works aimed at protecting mountain slopes, protection of rivers and shores and environment control and monitoring systems - as free-lance professionals and in companies and public agencies.

This degree course, supplying a sufficient mastery of scientific methods and contents, beside the acquisition of the most advanced technologies in the civil and environmental sectors, prepares to the professions included in the wider range of civil and environmental engineering. Beside works and system design activities, the graduate will be able to work in the public administration, in companies and businesses operating in this field playing an active role as manager of engineering questions.

The course prepares for the professions of:

  • Civil Engineers (

Academic Year selection

  1. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2009/2010)
  2. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2010/2011)
  3. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2011/2012)
  4. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2012/2013)
  5. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2013/2014)
  6. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2014/2015)
  7. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2015/2016)
  8. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2015/2016)
  9. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2016/2017)
  10. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2016/2017)
  11. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2017/2018)
  12. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2017/2018)
  13. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2018/2019)
  14. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2018/2019)
  15. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2019/2020)
  16. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2019/2020)
  17. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2020/2021)
  18. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2020/2021)
  19. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2021/2022)
  20. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2021/2022)
  21. Structures and Infrastructures (Academic Year: 2022/2023)
  22. Construction, Survey and Topography (Academic Year: 2022/2023)