Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Management Engineering

Specific educational objectives
Management Engineering is involved in solving problems of technical, economic, management and organisational nature related to the production and use of goods and/or services using problem-solving methods and capabilities typical of engineering. In carrying out his activity, the management engineer uses quantitative tools, decision-making support systems and methodological accuracy typical of the engineering sciences aiming at getting to optimising solutions.
The engineering perspective and method applied to management and organisation problems allow to get higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the solutions, contribute to a better understanding of the companies events, facilitate the identification and control of the main decision-making variables of the company processes, lay the foundations for a continuous enhancement of the company results on measurable parameters and, at last, allow the creation of well-structured relationships among the different company functions and companies.
The training of a management engineer is based on a solid basic training on disciplines such as mathematics, physics, economics, statistics, operational research, computer science and on design skills taken from the main engineering disciplines. Among these, the disciplines related to the sectors of technologies linked to production, industrial plants and economic-management engineering play a significant role.
The management engineer should be aware of the economic contexts where companies operate and of the risks/opportunities deriving from phenomena related to competitiveness among companies. He should know about the main industrial processes in order to profitably interact with specialists in different company sectors. He should possess the capacity to interpret technological innovation processes and be aware of their role as it regards the company competitiveness positioning. Finally, he should be aware of the fact that the customer/user, making his own choices, determines the success of product/service.
The study course can be structured in further curricula that, in the framework of the above-listed training objectives, allow for a varied professional training. The educational objectives of the University Degree in Management Engineering are targeted to solve the following problems:
Management and control of the logistic and production processes;
Management of quality, security and environmental factors;
Evaluation of the interaction between technical and economic management of the company;
Management of technological innovation with a view at enhancing the company competitiveness;
Analysis of management variables such as cost, time and quality.

Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)
In order to be admitted to the University Degrees in Engineering, in general, the students should possess the following qualifications:
Basic scientific knowledge;
Oral comprehension skills;
Aptitude towards a methodological approach.
The importance of the last two points is to be particularly stressed (oral comprehension skills, aptitude to a methodological approach), also as it regards basic scientific skills. The lack of acquisition of some basic scientific notions during the school period- due to their absence in the study programmes- is not an obstacle for the admission to the engineering study courses, particularly when the oral comprehension skills and aptitudes towards a methodological approach are good; whereas the fact that they had already been acquired does not eliminate the need for a more detailed and careful study.
However, the essential qualification for the student’ admission to the University Degree Courses in Engineering is the basic knowledge of specific subjects, namely maths. The assessment of the students’ qualifications, to be admitted to the University Degree courses, should have the lack or presence of this qualification as discriminating factor.

Specifications of the final exam
The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines followed by the student or in a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity that will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors.

Employment sectors for the graduates
The professional opportunities expected from the University Degree in Management Engineering are the following ones:
Programming and control of production and of the logistic processes;
Engineering of product and management of the production systems;
Management of quality, security and of the environmental factors;
Industrial accountancy, auditing and analysis of the investments;
Organisational planning, analysis, development and implementation of company procedures. In order to be admitted to the University Degrees in Engineering, in general, the students should possess the following qualifications:
Basic scientific knowledge;
Oral comprehension skills;
Aptitude towards a methodological approach.
The importance of the last two points is to be particularly stressed (oral comprehension skills, aptitude to a methodological approach), also as it regards basic scientific skills. The lack of acquisition of some basic scientific notions during the school period- due to their absence in the study programmes- is not an obstacle for the admission to the engineering study courses, particularly when the oral comprehension skills and aptitudes towards a methodological approach are good; whereas the fact that they had already been acquired does not eliminate the need for a more detailed and careful study.
However, the essential qualification for the student’ admission to the University Degree Courses in Engineering is the basic knowledge of specific subjects, namely maths. The assessment of the students’ qualifications, to be admitted to the University Degree courses, should have the lack or presence of this qualification as discriminating factor.

Employment sectors for the graduates
The professional opportunities expected from the University Degree in Management Engineering are the following ones:
Programming and control of production and of the logistic processes;
Engineering of product and management of the production systems;
Management of quality, security and of the environmental factors;
Industrial accountancy, auditing and analysis of the investments;
Organisational planning, analysis, development and implementation of company procedures.

Academic Year selection

  1. (Academic Year: 2007-2008)
  2. (Academic Year: 2008-2009)
  3. (Academic Year: 2009/2010)
  4. (Academic Year: 2006-2007)