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Education and integration of refugees and immigrants. Understanding Protocol Signed

Rome, UNINETTUNO Head Office

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Medicine of trans-culture, information and knowledge to promote the integration and approaching between the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea starting from the awareness that "diversity is the characterizing element of a new Europe that proudly recognizes its multicultural identity and face immigration by making concrete proposals”. This is at the core of the protocol of understanding that was signed on October the 21st between Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, and Prof. Foad Aodi, President of the Community of the Arab World in Italy (CO-MAI), the Association of Foreign Origin Physicians in Italy (A.M.S.I.) and of the “Uniti per Unire (United for Uniting) movement.

The agreement was concluded in the premises of UNINETTUNO, with the institutional support of the Ambassador of the Arab League in Italy, Nassif Youssef Hitti, his deputy, Zouheir Zoheiri, and the Plenipotentiary Minister, Enrico Granara, Coordinator of Multilateral Affairs in the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions at the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry. Social medicine and telemedicine, internships for foreign students, workshops on intercultural and interreligious dialogue, twinning with Arab universities, online desks, acknowledgement of study paths followed abroad, vocational and language courses for immigrants are the innovative features on which the new partnership relies. Another achievement for the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO which, since its establishment with a ministerial decree, on the 5th April 2005, represents an interactive cultural pole delivering e-learning courses in 5 languages: Italian, English, Arabic, French and Greek.” We are proud to have found the support and the backing of the Arab League to face this great challenge for culture and integration. Good immigration, made of a range of initiatives and actions facilitating the reception of immigrants and their inclusion in Italy, is our great weapon against ignorance and terrorism”, Aodi stated at the end of the meeting. Prof. Maria Amata Garito remarked with satisfaction that: "UNINETTUNO goes on along its path in favor of knowledge started many years ago jointly with several European and Arab World universities. Cultural exchange, as such, cannot have geographical borders or remain anchored to prejudices.” – she continues - "education has a leading role in the development of civilizations and in supporting international cooperation. UNINETTUNO is at the service of integration and intends to offer a valuable contribution to education in the respect of differences. We wish to help refugees by recognizing their study paths, giving them again dignity and helping them access the European job market.” Reaffirming that: “The respect for cultures and differences are the starting-points for a future in which the word tolerance will have to be replace by the word knowledge.”