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Workshop "Current and Rediscovered Scaling Laws: New Perspectives and Initiatives in Fusion Research" with Prof. Bruno Coppi of MIT
Science and research protagonists again of a workshop organized by UNINETTUNO: it is the “Current and Rediscovered Scaling Laws: New Perspectives and Initiatives in Fusion Research”, the meeting held on June the 19th at UNINETTUNO Multimedia Hall which had as protagonist, Prof. Bruno Coppi, professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and winner of the Feltrinelli Prize for Chemistry and Physics in 2016.
UNINETTUNO at Columbia University to present its educational model and the "University for Refugees" portal
New York
From the 14th to 16th June UNINETTUNO has flown to New York, invited by Columbia University, to present its educational and organizational model, acknowledged at global level as a best practice in the field of e-learning – and the “University for Refugees” portal, a concrete tool for integrating immigrants and refugees.
Kick-Off for the first UNINETTUNO “Erasmus Week”
From the 5th to the 9th June, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO organizes the first edition of the “Erasmus Week” in Rome: the international training week for the academic and administrative staff of UNINETTUNO’s Erasmus partners.
Presentazione del libro "La gestione delle società partecipate pubbliche alla luce del Testo Unico. Verso un nuovo paradiso pubblico-privato"
Campidoglio "Sala del Carroccio" - Roma
Nella bellissima cornice della "Sala del Carroccio" in Campidoglio, la presentazione del libro curato dai Professori Marco Lacchini e Alessio Mauro. Interviene Maria Amata Garito, Rettore Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO.