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EDUCATION: THE TELEMATIC UNIVERSITY UNINETTUNO CONQUESTS THE CITY. The prince Michael of Kent inaugurates the new Technological Pole in London


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London, February 25, 2015 - While in Italy there is an ongoing debate about school reform, the Italian Telematic University Uninettuno conquests the City. Today the inauguration of the new Campus of the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF), located in the heart of London’s finance, where the Technological Pole of Uninettuno is inserted, was held in London in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent.
The first floor of the LSBF building will accomodate the new Technological Pole of Uninettuno, an environment where student can take the exams, meet the tutors, attend the bachelor’s and master’s courses in the fields of finance, marketing and investments, realised in partnership with LSBF. At the disposal of more than one thousand enrolled students that are resident in the United Kingdom, there is a space equipped with everything required, from computers to video conferencing systems. Due to this equipment it will be possible to follow video lessons, live streaming, and educational sessions with the professors.
“The birth of our technological pole in the City confirms, that the road we have taken a long time ago is the right one, that can be summed up with the phrase: Your university wherever you are, with no more limits of space and time” - said the Rector Maria Amato Garito. “A new era for the University is starting. It is changing and evolving, according to current needs: delocalisation, new opportunities and services for students from all over the world”.
The London School of Business and Finance (one of the few institutions in the world, that was awarded the Queen''s Awards for Enterprise) has always been committed to train new generations of entrepreneurs and managers and shares with Uninettuno the same goals: to offer programs of study that develop theoretical and practical knowledge and skills with a new, modern and oriented to the world of work approach. The centrality of the Campus, located in the heart of the City, will allow students to make a unique experience and to prepare better for the global market challenges.
“The network structure of Uninettuno with an international headquarter in Rome, 32 Technological Poles and 9 Production Centres on national and international territory, which are electronically connected, and students from 128 countries of the world. – adds the prof. Garito – The distance education model is appreciated all over the world. Different activities of partnerships and collaborations with the most important international universities demonstrate it”.