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The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, through a video presentation by its Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, participated in the "ICERI 2022" (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) event, the 15th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, organized by IATED (International Academy of Technology, Education and Development), which was held in Seville from Nov. 7 to 9.

Active for 15 years, ICERI is a renowned global educational conference that enables teachers, researchers, technologists and educational professionals to share their expertise on teaching and learning methodologies and to present their projects in education and technology.

Every year, the "ICERI" Conference brings together more than 800 delegates from 80 different countries around the world. The goal of the meeting is to provide mutual benefit to participants and suppliers in this field by bringing them together and creating a culture of learning, as well as opportunities for strategic cooperation.

The event was also attended by Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. Her speech, entitled "The Internet: a New Renaissance for the University," highlighted how the Internet completely changed the processes and mechanisms of knowledge production and transmission, research and learning, and how it has increasingly influenced the languages of knowledge communication.

"The Internet has now evolved into a global platform and has become the main infrastructure for the exchange of knowledge among people. - the Rector's words - In just a few years, it has become the most powerful platform in the world; it connects intelligences and allows people, from countries with different histories, cultures, religions and economies, to participate interactively in the development of knowledge."

An evolution that has become more pronounced in recent years. "The pandemic of Covid-19 has forced the world to become aware that all institutions participating in the globalized and interconnected knowledge society are now facing an inevitable transition, reinventing themselves through the Internet," adds Maria Amata Garito. "Universities, which should be at the center of the knowledge society, therefore have the opportunity to lead this transition, knocking down their Ivory Towers by using the Internet to carry out all educational activities. For this new renaissance of universities globally to be lasting and effective, it must be based on broad and in-depth research focused on innovation in organizational and psycho-pedagogical models through digital technologies, combined with Knowledge Networks and Academic Alliances to meet the educational needs of a globalized and interconnected society."

Finally, space for conclusions: "The purpose of this proposed presentation is, therefore, twofold. First, we will present the tangible results of the international research carried out in the last 30 years: the distance education model integrated in the Teaching Cyberspace of the UNINETTUNO platform. Second, we will present the internationalization model of UNINETTUNO, fostering the development of a global network of public and private universities by sharing knowledge, resources and shared technologies, curricula and research laboratories, preserving the specificity of individual universities as a value and enrichment of the Network."

For more information about the Conference visit: https://iated.org/iceri/

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