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Destinazione Comune: 20 bourses d’études pour étudier avec UNINETTUNO


In the framework of  Destinazione Comune (Common Destination) Project, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO makes available to people entitled to international and subsidiary protection residing in the Latium Region, 20 study grants to access university study paths for earning three-year, second-cycle or master’s degrees for free.

Applications are open until January the 31st

Jointly with the Internal Affairs Ministry, the European Union, the Integra Project and a wide range of boards, UNINETTUNO is partnering this project aimed at realizing integrated, multi-action and customized paths for the full participation, socio-economic and socio-cultural inclusion of foreign citizens entitled to international protection of the Latium Region.

To know more about it, visit the page devoted to the Destinazione Comune (Common Destination) Project, UNINETTUNO and the University for Refugees.