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"EADTU Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference" - The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2014


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Hosted by the AGH University of Science and Technology of Krakow, Poland, the Conference was the occasion to discuss about "New Technologies and the future of teaching and learning” after the latest developments in the university strategies and policies.
The forecast for the next five years underlines the fact that the online teaching and learning strongly affects higher education at all the levels with innovations in pedagogical models and curriculum development.
It will offer new opportunities in the field of education:

  • Innovative pedagogical models for the course structure: With the new forms of interaction, access to the resources of knowledge and global organizational flexibility , new pedagogical models are emerging in such a way that students can acquire new skills and attitudes, related to self-learning such as: persistence/discipline, self-management, exploration skills in knowledge networks, connectiveness with the main sources in these networks, etc.
  • Curriculum Innovation: the impact of on-line teaching and learning on the organisation and  cost-effectiveness of the study programmes. Online teaching and learning and their flexibility in terms of place, time and pace of study will contribute to the curriculum innovation. The mix will be different depending on the educational policy of the faculties and institutions.
  • Open and flexible education, and new opportunities for the universities.
  • The online training leads to new opportunities for institutions to open their borders to the outside world. In a knowledge society, governments should stimulate the university better to support the opening to the citizens and society in general.

The speech of the Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Prof. Maria Amata GARITO, was entitled as: “Analysis of psycho-pedagogical models of MOOCs: positive and negative aspects”.

New Technologies and the future of Teaching and Learning

The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2014