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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Publications et activités de conférence

A STRATEGY FOR EUROPE IN THE AGE OF THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: BUILDING NEW KNOWLEDGE NETWORKS AMONG TRADITIONAL AND DISTANCE UNIVERSITIES, in “ Proceedings of the 2013 EADTU –Transition to Open and On-line Education in European Universities ”, svoltasi a Parigi dal 23 al 25 Ottobre 2013

AuteurM. A. Garito  Lieu/DateParigi, 23/10/2013

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A generational clash of enormous scope is emerging within our institutions. The criticisms To university advanced 15 years ago were "waiting ideas'': waiting for the new Web and a new generation of students able to effectively put in question the old model of University. University in the knowledge society globalized and interconnected has reached a turning point, we are at a crossroads between stagnation and renewal, between atrophy and the Renaissance.Universities can make use of the most powerful platform in history to make available the expertise, the knowledge, the skills to defeat ignorance.In 2016, according to Cisco Systems, there will be 10 billion mobile devices connected on Internet compared to UN world population estimated at about 7.3 billion of people. This means that, on average, each person wull have more than one device for the connection.