Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Computer engineering (Academic Year 2013/2014) - Computer Engineering

Communication technologies

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to treat the basic elements of telecommunications. Starting from the signals theory, it will be processed the main concepts of telecommunications theory . Particularly we will study the techniques of transmission and reception of various types of channels: electrical cables, radio channels and optical fibers
Calculus 1 and linear algebra
Introduction to the theory of signals: deterministic Signals, Fourier transform, spectral analysis, definition of a signal band of, the transfer function and definition of bandwidth of a system, filters. Sampling theorem. Random signals, statistical characterization and hints on the power spectrum. Analog & Digital transmissions: Analog Sources, analog modulations (AM, FM). Digital transmissions: Sources numbers, quantization, PCM conversion and A / D and D / A. Digital modulations (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM).
On Line Slides ; Cusani, Teoria dei Segnali; Bucciarelli-Neri, Esercizi d’ Esame
Exam will include three main points: one exercise and two Open questions Exercises will concern above all: -Convolution and Correlation exercises between known signal forms. -Fourier Transform method -TLC systems and filters To improve Exam simulation, it is suggested to try to break Convolution and Correlation exercises in three steps, aimed to: -to graph or describe signal in analytic -to perform the calc, trying the calculation way or the visual way (generally faster). -to graph results Exam will concern theory test. It is suggested to focus on Digital Transmission and analog modulations
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Roberto Garello
List of lessons
    •  Lesson n. 1: Primi passi  Go to this lesson
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
    •  Lesson n. 19: Regressione  Go to this lesson
Romano Scozzafava
Romano Scozzafava
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
    •  Lesson n. 36: Correlazione  Go to this lesson
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli
Tullio Bucciarelli