Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Fashion Retail & Luxury Management (Academic Year 2014/2015)

Made in Italy: When Fashion Meets Identity

Credits: 5
Content language:English
Course description
The academic aim of this module is to equip learners with the knowledge of what is Made in Italy. The module also aims to provide students’ a foundation of Made in Italy between tradition and innovation, with a mention also to Fashion Storytelling. The second part of the module aims to equip learners with the basic knowledge of the right on "Made in Italy" for the creation of the brand, the protection against international counterfeting. The last lesson will be about the functions of fashion brands applied to consumer's behavior.
By merging retail and management, the course enables students to engage with more than one discipline and meet the industry expectations of the luxury sector. Students will work on the different aspects of the marketing management: from the Fashion System analysis to the study of the fashion marketing and communication techniques; from the detailed analysis of the brand management to the knowledge of the distribution scenario. Besides strategic aspects, the course allows developing the concept of fashion conceived as cultural, social and historical system characterized by different trends to be analysed and interpreted.
Made in Italy: When Fashion Meets Identity
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Francesca Maschio
Video professors
Prof. Francesca Maschio - Docente Università Internazionale Telematica UNINETTUNO, Docente London School of Business and Finance - Berlin School for Business and Innovation – Fondazione ASTRID
List of lessons