Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Fashion Retail & Luxury Management (Academic Year 2014/2015)

Made in Italy: History of Italian Fashion

Credits: 5
Content language:English
Course description
The academic aim of this module is to equip learners with the knowledge to the fashion in the centuries. The module will examine in depth the history of fashion, starting from the etymology of fashion and its historical approach, listing the various influences in Europe (linked to historical periods). Fashion will be also linked to Baroque, Rococo, the Romantic period and the French Revolution. The second part of the module will focus on the Italian fashion during the XIX and XX century with a deep view into Rome, Florence, Milan. The last part is about the testimony of one of the most important figure of Italian fashion: Roberto Capucci and his experience of over 60 years in the fashion.
The course enables students to understand the different kind of fashion in countries and periods. The module aims to provide students a deep view into the change and development of fashion during the centuries. On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:
  • Summarise key principles and tools for fashion.
  • Compare various models of fashion and link it to the century.
  • Analyse the concept of Italian fashion.
Made in Italy: History of Italian Fashion
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Francesca Maschio
Video professors
Prof. Neri Fadigati -
List of lessons
Enrico Minio Capucci
Enrico Minio Capucci
Enrico Minio Capucci
Enrico Minio Capucci
Enrico Minio Capucci
Enrico Minio Capucci
Enrico Minio Capucci
Enrico Minio Capucci
Diego Della Valle
Giuseppe Modenese