Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Operator of Cultural Heritage (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2015/2016) - Beni Archivistico-librari (ad esaurimento)

Latin Paleography

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course illustrates the evolutions and the tendencies of the graphic forms assumed by the Latin alphabet, from its origins in the archaic age to the XVth century. After the invention of the press and of the mobile characters, the history of the evolution of the signs ends. The Latin Palaeography studies therefore the transformations of the signs and the handwritings performed by hand, the only one possible. For this reason, it is the object of a specific meaningful "history".
Prima di seguire il corso di Paleografia Latina è necessario avere svolto l’esame di Storia Medievale e Lingua Latina.
The course offers to the students a general overview on tools and writing supports, on the evolution of the signs of the Latin alphabet, through a historical view that often motivates principal variations of this changing. Besides the history of the writing, the course furnishes tools for the recognition, the reading and the transcription of texts in the principal styles (Capital, Beneventan, Caroline, Gothic)
There will be introduced the general lines of the developments and graphical changes from the ancient attestations of the Latin alphabet (VIIth century b. C.) to the XVth century; monographic analysis of particular styles productions will also be proposed.
Federico Canaccini, Scripta Manent, sold only by Libreria Barumba, Rome. Armando Petrucci, Breve storia della scrittura latina, Bagatto libri, 1992. Fabio M. Bertolo, Paolo Cherubini, Giorgio Inglese, Luisa Miglio, Breve storia della scrittura e del libro, Carocci, Roma, 2004.
The course will be integrated with a collection of twenty reproductions with relative transcriptions, available in the Web page, by which the student can individually have a good preparation on the topic.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
List of lessons
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Massimiliano Bassetti
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Massimiliano Bassetti
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Massimiliano Bassetti
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Massimiliano Bassetti
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
    •  Lesson n. 28: I nuovi notai  Go to this lesson
Attilio Bartoli Langeli
Massimiliano Bassetti
Attilio Bartoli Langeli